[chapter two]

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| Forbidden Sparks |
[chapter two]
[Acacia's p.o.v]

Mornings. They can be a real pain in my ass sometimes. They've always had this really irritating talent of sneaking up on me with its bright rays of sun and white puffy clouds. But this morning was a real killer.

After a sleepless night, badly done makeup, an all-black tight outfit, and a few extra coats of mascara, I unintentionally, but officially looked like I belonged in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I almost let out a gasp at my reflection. By the time I actually fell asleep it had been four in the morning, which caused me to wake up an two and a half-hours late, plus it takes me one whole hour to get ready. And trust me, when I wake up and Aspen's already left for class, it means I'm way past the term "really late".

Before deciding to leave, I fixed my horrid makeup, kept the black outfit, and curled my hair, making myself look somewhat decent for the day. Sometimes I wish I could be like Aspen, and care about my appearance as much as she does. Usually when we're together, she looks like she's about to go to a cocktail party and I'm ready for a concert or something.

I rushed to my psychology class like nobody's business. It was the one class I was actually really interested in, and haven't skipped all year.

"Well, that's not the only reason you haven't skipped the class," My mind reminded me.

Yeah, well, it was also one of the many classes I had with Brody. Even though he was a sophomore and I was a freshman, we shared many of the same classes since I took a lot of AP courses last year. Thanks, Mom and Dad, you haven't failed me yet.

I tried to slip into the room quietly without anyone noticing, but of course knowing myself, that was the opposite of how that went down. The slower I opened the door, the louder it creaked, forcing everyone to turn my way.

"Ah, fuck," I mumbled. But I guess most of the class heard me as per the snickers coming from the other students in the class. I noticed one of the chuckles came from Brody who was sitting all the way in the back with his eyes on me, but when our eyes finally locked, his smile faded. But I chose to ignore that, it's been two days since the kiss happened and neither of us has said a word about it. Avoiding him probably wasn't the best idea, but it's all I could think of at this point.

"Miss Sparks, please find yourself a seat." Professor Murray, focused his attention towards me.

"Yeah, of course," I breathed out and made my way towards the back where the only open seats were. I made it a point to not sit next to Brody, so instead I took a seat next to some green eyed guy named Miles, one row in front of him. Taking the time to actually look at Miles, I came to the conclusion that he was sort of beautiful with his pushed up brown hair and light green eyes.

      He did look a bit older though, but still very attractive. I'll admit, he was no Brody, but he was definitely good looking. I wanted to kick myself for even comparing him to Brody, I mean if I'm going to start doing that with guys, I'll never be satisfied. Guys like him are only in movies or books, not at your average college campus.

Professor Murray was in the middle of a lecture about cognitive therapy, when I oh so stupidly turned behind me to glance at Brody, only to find his eyes on me. He had one of his unreadable signature expressions on his face, the expression that was plastered onto his face after he pulled away from our kiss. It was the look that I've been trying to analyze and figure out forever. It was as if he was also torn over whether to say something to me or not.

Sometimes he would even go as far as opening his mouth to speak, but lately the words would only follow once in a blue moon. On a perfect occasion. Usually it would be because someone interrupted, or Apsen walked into the room, or maybe it was just because he simply didn't know how to react. After all, Aspen had almost caught on a while back and no one wanted her to suspect anything.

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