[chapter twenty four]

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| Forbidden Sparks |
[chapter twenty four]
(Acacia's p.o.v.)
Miles' words played over and over like a broken record destroying my ears. It could have been equivalent to the sound of nails on a chalkboard. I wouldn't have been able to detect the difference.

"She will never let you have him."

I wanted to think he was wrong. That he was just saying that out of envy. But he wasn't. There was truth there. He knew that was the case, after only being around Aspen a few times.

On top of all of my first-world problems, I was also in the process of studying for mid-terms. Something I had no problem forgetting about in the midst of my personal soap opera.

I tried as best I could to concentrate on my computer, soaking in facts and dates of World War II. It was a little hard as Kade and Holly had nothing better to do than discuss my personal life amongst themselves as if I wasn't in the room, doing something important.

"Screw Aspen. Just tell her and then deal with the consequences." My brother ran a hand through his dark blonde hair, sitting cross-legged on the other side of the sofa.

"I totally agree. But even though, I'm not Aspen's bigger fan, I know Acacia will be heartbroken if they lose a friendship." Holly replied, from the chair across from Kade and I on the couch.

I slammed my computer shut, not being able to be not be apart of the conversation anymore. "Guys, I'm right here. Literally right in front of you two."

"I'm sorry! I just love being in on something." She shot me an apologetic look. Holly wasn't usually one for personal dilemmas, so listening to mine repeatedly was like a drug for her. Although, she doesn't put up with it when it comes to her issues. A mantra I should adapt into my own life at some point.

"I just like gossiping." Kade shrugged and popped a pretzel into his mouth.

"Fine. I will indulge you lunatics for one second. I guess there is something I want an opinion on. What do you think we --"

"Oh, I know where this is going!" Holly's loud voice cut me off.

"Acacia, if you ask the question, I'll throw a pretzel at you." My brother held the salty-snack in the air, aimed straight at my face.

Ah, yes. Here it was. I, Acacia Sparks was about to say the age old questions, that every single female who has ever developed feelings, asks. "What are we?" The words poured from my mouth, tasting unfamiliar. Never had I ever cared about something to trivial as this.

"She asked!" My friend shouted from one direction, as a pretzel hit me in the forehead from the other.

"Hey! It's a good question!"

"Friends with benefits?" Holly suggested.

"No, I don't think so. It sounds like you guys are headed towards exclusive relationship, since he's trying to wait and go slowly for now. I would never do that if I just wanted to hook up with a girl."

      Admittedly, it was weird and slightly uncomfortable how involved my brother was in my guy problems. But he did have some good insight.

I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could, Holly's dark, hazel eyes shifted to the front door. The sound of keys jingling from the other side was a clear indication that Aspen was about to walk in, shut us all up.

     There she stood in the doorway, blonde curls tousled into a bun, with perfectly coordinated, pink yoga gear on. Blue eyes that searched the room until they eventually landed on Kade. They hadn't seen each other since he got to town.

     "Little party without me, huh?" She tossed her purse onto the kitchen counter.

     We all greeted her and then went back to our activities. I continued research for my history mid-term, while Holly and Kade argued about Game of Thrones.

     I had subconsciously distanced myself from Aspen since she found Brody and I, asleep together. It wasn't on purpose, it just creeped up on me so I let it happen. And I wasn't exactly mad about it.

      "So, Kade! How does it feel to be back in town?" Aspen asked, in a higher pitch than usual.

       His eyes flickered from Aspen, to me for a moment and then back to her before he replied. "Never thought I'd consider moving back, but I guess it's nice."

      "Yeah. Wow, how long has it been since I last saw you?" Her sapphire eyes wide, lips parted -- dear god, that was all apart of her flirting "technique". I wanted to be annoyed, but based on the fact that she would openly flirt with a garbage bin, I wasn't.

"Not sure. Probably like three, four years?"

       "Gosh, I must have been such a child." She giggled. Her usual routine coming into play. As entertaining as this was, Holly's horrified expression took the cake. Darkly lined eyes bulging, mouth agape, trying to hold in her burst of laughter.

        "Are you not anymore?" My brother said sarcastically, knowing exactly what she was doing as well. Her face fell at his words. If there was anything Aspen hated, it was rejection -- not just normal everyday-life rejection. But by a guy.

"Funny," she mocked, sticking her tongue out like a child. "Anyway, I came up with the best idea. We're going to throw a Christmas party!"

My eyes rolled without thought. "Oh yeah, and where do we have the room for that?"

"It'll be small! We'll have it here. Just like, a few close friends so we can hang out before break. You can even invite Miles."

Holly and Kade's eyes burning through me at the comment. "Yeah, Acacia. Totally invite Miles," my brothers lips curved into a smirk, enjoying teasing my personal life. Thanks, bro. It was as if we were children again.

A small growl-ish sound escaped my lips, "Ugh, fine. But we will not be playing Justin Bieber's holiday album."

"Then it's settled! And obviously, you're invited Kade."

"I was going to come, anyway."

I tried my best shake off the weirdness of this entire conversation. Was I somehow forced into throwing a Christmas? Yes. Was Aspen strangely eye-fucking my brother? Yes. Have I done the same and more to her sibling? Yes. Yes. A thousand percent, yes.

And was I about to do it again?

Unfortunately yet fortunately, yes. You can bet your bottom-dollar I was.


Author's Note:
Hey everyone. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry if this was a boring chapter. The next three chapters are going to be pretty exciting! I already have a big outline done! Are you ready?!
Anyway, please vote and comment to motivate me to update.
Thank you! You guys are the best.

Forbidden SparksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora