_I'll Love You Now, Later, Eternity_

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Shikamaru opened his eyes slowly trying to put together where he was at the moment. The library. He then realized where he was again, turning to his right where Hisui was cuddled up on his arm. "Mm." Shikamaru shook her a bit to wake her up. "uhh." Hisui woke up wiping her eyes from the dried up tears. "You gonna tell me why you wanted to spend the night in this library?" he asked. She sighed and sat up straight, sniffing. "I don't wanna go home. It's...a mad house. Parents are both having affairs with others. They know it. I hate it. They take it out on me too." she explained. "Do they hit you?" Shikamaru questioned. "No. Just verbal abuse. Always putting me down, going through my things, I just" she through her arms up. Shikamaru licked his lips. "I can't go back there. I don't want to." she said. "What about your cousin?" he questioned.

"Mmmm, your so lucky my mother is gone for the weekend." Lucy said kissing Natsu. "Mmmm mine are gonna flip if I don't get home soon." he complained. "nooooo, stay hereee." Lucy cuddled him up. "Come onnnn, I've been here since last night. And I couldn't even sleep well with Sai and god knows who creaking all night." Natsu joked. Lucy laughed, "That was probably Hidan, I've caught him sneaking in a few times." she joked. "Ahhh." Natsu laughed. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Oh shoot!" Lucy jumped up scrambling to put her robe back on.

"Crap where are my pants!" Natsu said looking around for his pants. Lucy tied up her robe and pulled her hair into a ponytail. She opened the door, "Shikamaru." she questioned. Natsu looked up trying to fix his pants. "okay one, about god damn time!" Shikamaru joked. Natsu and Lucy laughed at that. "And two." Shikamaru moved aside for Hisui. "Hisui, oh." Lucy pulled her inside. Lucy walked her cousin to the kitchen area to calm her down.

"Is she okay?" Natsu asked. "Yeah yeah, I think it's just family stuff." he said. "Okay, uh Shikamaru can I ask you something?" Natsu asked. "Sure." Shikamaru said, he stopped in his place. "You and Lucy....I mean your one of my brother's best and closest friends. You and Lucy never...." Natsu started to ask before. "No no no. I know better than to step into NaLu territory." Shikamaru joked. Natsu grinned, starting to laugh. "I'll see you later." Shikamaru exited. 

"Thanks man." Natsu called. Shikamaru stopped and grinned.

Although when he made it home it was a much different story, Riku was worried sick all night. Lying on the couch waiting for him. Shikamaru smiled at his father, walking up to the couch. "Dad? Dad?" he shook him gently. "Uh!" Riku sat up straight on the couch. "Oh! Shikamaru!" Riku jumped up and pulled his son into his arms. "I thought something happened to you, I mean after the dance with that poor boy-." he tried to say. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine." Shikamaru reassured sitting down in front of his father. "I'm sorry, I was out with a friend. She was too scared to go home. I guess some family matters." Shikamaru said. "Oh, well uh your a good man for doing that." Riku said with a smile. Shikamaru grinned. 

"Well good thing you're home." Kinana joked walking in with Kiba behind her. Kinana had Kiba's hand with her's. 

"Kiba hey." Shikamaru stood up from his father and pulled Kiba into his arms. Kiba held onto his older brother and sniffed. "Come on, come sit down." Shikamaru and Kinana lead Kiba to the couch. Riku wrapped his arm around Kiba's shoulders, as Kiba laid his head down on his father's shoulder. "Kiba we have to talk about the Avatar." Shikamaru said. "Why?" Kiba sniffed. "Son." Riku rubbed Kiba's arm. 

Kiba sniffed, "Shikamaru?" 

Shikamaru licked his lips and leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees on the other couch across from him. "Look, the Avatar thing is always chosen by destiny." he started. Kiba kept his eyes on his brother. "When Avatar Aang died, he was reincarnated into someone else. Every time, and most of the time it was an air bender but Aang changed that. There was a woman named Korra. Water bender and I did some research, Korra was an ancient ancestor of your clan. Your real last name." he explained. Kiba licked his lips and exhaled. "In the end, Korra and Aang wanted Toph, their earth bender friend to pick the next Avatar. She fell in love with someone of your clan, someone who can also control wolves. A very big killing machine. So that's why it's now to you." 

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