Ch1.Another year older

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"Harry wake up, it's your birthday." An excited 14 year old Teddy yelled, shoving Harry's shoulder. Teddy loved it being
Harry's birthday, they would always go shopping at hogsmeade and buy lots of new stuff for them both. "Teddy please go back to bed, or something other than wake me up so early." Harry winced at the light that filled the entire room. "Harry, it's 10AM. We're gonna miss hogsmeade if we don't leave by 10:30." Teddy whined, accidentally kicking Harry in the head while climbing off of the bed. "Cheers Ted."


The two rushed from shop to shop, trying on new robes, buying sweets and chocolates, and stopping every now and then for Harry to sign autographs. To be honest Teddy enjoyed Harry's birthday more than Harry himself.


They got home at about quarter to seven in the evening. They'd lost track of time; since they were having such a good day out. "Teddy do you want any tea or we missing tonight?" Harry said sleepily, leaning over the breakfast bar. At that Teddy ran up the stairs to his room. "Teddy what are y-" Harry was suddenly cut off by the beautiful singing voice of Teddy, who was carrying a chocolate cake covered in red candles into the kitchen where Harry stood. "Happy birthday dear Harry, happy birthday to you." Teddy placed the cake infront of him and smiled his signature smile. Harry was bursting with emotions, "Teddy today has been amazing, thank you so much." He wrapped his arms around the young wizard and kissed his forehead softly. "Aren't you gonna make a wish then?" Teddy blurted, breaking the silence that seemed to be too long. "Oh yes of course." Harry pause for a moment before speaking again. "Why don't you make a wish Teddy; i've got everything that i ever wanted, a nice house, a great job and the most amazing family." Harry nodded at Teddy, addressing him as 'amazing family'.


Harry and Teddy spent the rest of the evening watching films and eating the choclate cake. Teddy curled up beside Harry and fell asleep. "Goodnight Ted." Harry yawned and layed a gentle kiss on the boy's head. There was a sudden banging at the front door,frightening Harry and waking Teddy. "Who could that possibly be?" Harry muttered under his breathe, getting up and walking over to the door. He opened to find a house elf looking up at him. It's ears and nose dripping wet from the harsh rain outside. "What brings you here? And please do come in, you look terribly cold." Harry insisted.


"Mistress Molly and master Arther have requested your precedence at the Weasley 'burrow', master Harry." The scrawny little house elf whimpered. "I thought they were against having house elves as slaves." Harry frowned. "They said to bring master Harry straight to them." The elf added. Harry didn't understand, why not send an owl and why send an elf, the poor thing shivering in the rain, it's not like Molly and Arther at all. "Come over here and stand by the fire. You must be freezing, what's your name?" Harry asked placing the elf infront of the burning, red fire. "Lemmy, master Harry." He said sheepishly. "Well then Lemmy-" Harry smiled removing a spotty bowtie he wore around his neck and handed it to the small elf. "-You have been presented with a piece of clothing." Teddy smiled widely from the back of the room. "Lemmy is a free elf! Lemmy is free!" The elf danced around the room before bowing infront of Harry. "Lemmy is greatful." Harry nodded and the elf apparated. "That was the right thing to do Harry." Teddy smiled hugging his godfather.

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