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Harry woke the next morning, realising he was not on his sofa, in his lounge, in his house. He was on Draco's sofa, in Draco's lounge, in Draco's house. He sat up stretching his arms infront of him. "Hello!?" He shouted. There were the sound of footsteps running down the stairs. Seconds later Draco appeared in the door frame, smirking at the messy hair Harry wore. "Yes?" Draco walked up to Harry, looking him dead in the eyes. "About last night. Before y-you know, I-I fell asleep. You were asking me questions. What was the last question?" His emerald eyes sparkling in the sun-rise. "It's not that important. Breakfast?" Draco rushed into the kitchen, trying to look busy. "I know it's not important but I would like to know what it was." Harry half smiled at Draco, sitting at the breakfast bar. "I asked you...I-If you l-loved me...but it's not important, probably not, why did I ask that? I know why you wouldn't like me and I-" he was cut off by Harry. "I do." Draco froze completely. For a while the two stared at each other. "Excuse me but am I hearing that correctly? Y-you do
l-love me?" His face plastered with wonder. In response Harry smiled the biggest smile Draco had ever seen on him. "Oh Merlin. So you... And me...We could-" It was like watching a Hufflepuff open a Christmas present. "Kiss? Is that what your trying to say draco?" Harry smiled.
Draco marched over to Harry, looking down at him. "That was only part of what I was thinking." His lips lightly touched Harry's. Harry kissed back, wrapping his arms around Draco's neck.
"I love you... Potter." Draco smirked, putting their foreheads together.
"I love you too...Malfoy." they both began to laugh before kissing again.


"Nurse?" Teddy shouted. Nobody came to his need, so Teddy's plan was a go. He were to apperate to Harry and hope he wouldn't have to go back. It seemed like a pretty decent plan to him. He grabbed his belongings and pictured Harry. Teddy had never apperated before, he only used the floo a couple of times before and that was with Harry. He closed his eyes tight and vanished.


He'd apperated. But to Teddy's suprise Harry was making out with this blond guy, Harry never bothered to mention. "Harry! What in Merlin's beard are you doing!" He shouted causing the two adults to jump feet. Draco drew his wand and aimed it at Teddy. "Draco no! He's with me!" Harry swung himself infront of Draco's wand, becoming Teddy's shield. Draco lowered his wand and sat at the breakfast bar, resting his head in his arms. Harry turned to Teddy.
"Teddy what are you doing here. You should be in hospital. Your not well."
"And you should be there with me instead of snogging him." Teddy snapped pointing at Draco. His hair a flaming red. Teddy hadn't been this angry since Harry accidentally killed his pet hamster he got from Merlin for christmas. "Calm down Teddy. We don't know what's wrong with you. You being angry might make it worse." Harry tried explaining.
"I'm angry cause I'm half werewolf and I know what's wrong with me. I was poisoned by a Malfoy!" Harry instantly turned towards Draco. "You think it was me!?" Draco looked at him in shock, standing up. Harry ran up to him and pushed his chest. Draco stumbled back hitting his head on the wall. "Your the only Malfoy alive, your mother is dead and she wouldn't do such thing." Harry sneered pushing him again. "It wasn't me Harry! Do you really think I, a healer, would poison a child?" Draco started pushing Harry back. "Who was it then? Because that seems like one of your moves!" Harry remembered Draco using the cursed Opal Necklace to assassinate Dumbledore but failed and cursed a student instead. "How dare you Potter. How dare you say such things. I may be a Slytherin but I'm not that shady. I'm surprised your not dead. You had it easy, everyone liked you! All my friends were DeathEaters!" Tears streamed down Draco's face. "I had Voldemort hunting me down my whole life and you made it worse. People sided with me because they wanted what was right!" Harry huffed. Minutes past, Draco and Harry just stared at each other. "Harry, I didn't do it. I've changed and you know it. If I didn't change you wouldn't have been kissing me, would you?" Draco said through gritted teeth. Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. With eyes still closed harry answered "Then who was it? Surely you have no heir yet."
"No!" Draco trembled.
Harry opened his eyes to see Draco's pale-white face, filled with pure horror...

"Father has returned..."

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