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"Well how do you know that?" Harry asked worried. Draco looked down rolling up his sleeve. The dark mark was covered in perfect scars, looks like Draco wanted it gone. "The mark hurts. I-I don't know how but it just does." He whimpered. Harry stared at Draco's horrified face. "Draco, babe, it's ok it's not like it's your fault any of this happened. Once I find the person who allowed that man to walk free, I'll make then pay." Draco fixed his eyes on Harry's bright green eyes. As if He knew Harry wished he'd never said a thing. "It was me Harry. A-and you should make me pay. Teddy's been narcotised, it's my fault this happened. It's my fault for trusting him, it's my fault for giving him a second chance, I-it's my fault I'd thought maybe he changed. Im so sorry." Teddy walked up behind Harry. "Harry I-" Harry spun around to face Teddy. "Teddy what did the person who poisoned you look like?" He questioned, wrinkling his forehead. "Tall, long,white hair, ugh-grey eyes. Oh and expensive robes, help at all?" Teddy gave a small smile, shrugging his shoulders. "Very, thanks Ted." Harry smiked back then turning back to Draco. "Draco...babe we need to get Teddy back to the hospital quickly." Draco nodded and walked past Harry and Teddy and towards the front door. "I'll be in the car." He shouted. Harry faced Teddy again. "One more thing before we go. Where was Mr.Malfoy when you were... poisoned." Harry winced. Teddy dropped his stuff he managed to take with him, his hair turned a sickening grey. Distress."Hogwarts!"


Draco and Harry had dropped Teddy off at the hospital and were on their way to Hogsmeade to stay thd night, before going to Hogwarts. Draco managed to pull himself together and stop apologizing to Harry. They both sat in the car in silence. Until Draco spoke. "Harry, did you call me 'babe' earlier, back at the house?" He asked nervously. "What? M-me no." There was a short pause before a smile creeped onto Harry's face. "It's ok, I understand why. I didn't say anything then cause I honestly thought you were going to kill me." Draco awkwardly laughed. After ten minutes or so Harry then spoke up. "So a-are we a y-you know, a thing, a couple." Harry shuttered, not noticing the huge smile on Draco's face. "Cause if we are, then I was thinking you could move in, w-with me a-and Teddy. But y-you know, if you wanted to that is...a-and if we were a-a couple." Harry then noticed the smile almost covering Draco's whole face. "Your so adorable Potter. So will you be my boyfriend?" He asked politely. They both smiled ridiculously at one another. "Yes of course, Draco I do love you so much, did you know that?"


They managed to get into Hogsmeade at about 5:30pm, so they had plenty of time to find somewhere to stay. They found a quiet B+B and checked in.


Draco walked into the B+B room first, Harry followed behind carrying two small bags with over night stuff. (they just magically had with them) "um, Harry...there's only one bed." Draco turned to face the Gryffindor. "So there is." Harry snapped sarcastically nudging past. "Harry there's only one bed." Draco repeated trying to make himself more clear. "Yes Draco, I heard you the first time. We'll have to share, ok?" He smirked in Draco's direction. "Share! Us! Share a bed!" Draco spat. Harry walked up to him, "We're a couple now, time to do couple-y things." Harry placed a kiss on draco's forehead and wondered over to the bags and continued unpacking. "Do you think Father knows who Teddy is? Like a werewolf and that?" He glanced over at Harry. "You do know he's only half werewolf. And I'm not sure if your father knows." Harry said. He began to unpack Draco's bag. Draco realised was Harry was doing but it was too late. "What's this Draco?" Harry frowned, holding up a woman's dark green,hooded cloak. The blond winced at the simple question. "It's ok, you can tell me if you want to. I'll put it on the-"
"It was Mother's. She used to wear it all the time.
W-when Father punished me, she would come up to my chambers and comfort me. She would wrap the cloak over my shoulders then say 'As long as your on the winning side, you'll be just fine, Dragon.' And look at how that turned out." He sobbed looking down at the mark, covered in silvery lines. Harry walked over to Draco with the cloak. He placed it over Draco's shoulders and hung the hood on his head. "As long as you're with me, I'll keep you safe and you'll be just fine, Dragon." Harry placed a kiss on Draco's forehead and wrapped his slender-like arms around the blond. "Thank you Harry."

 You're the saviour now Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon