Ch13.Really Gone

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"I'm so, so s-sorry Ted. I sh-should be pro-tecting you from bad." Harry cried, gently squeezing Teddy's hand. "It's not your fault, Harry; you tried you best. Think of it this way, I'm going to meet my parents." Teddy sniffled, trying to lighten the mood. "See Ted, that was my fault too, they died protecting me." Harry snapped raising his voice a little. "Please don't be so hard on yourself. They did it for a reason. I will die knowing the world is a safe place because of you, I'll die in peace."


Draco sat silent in the darkness of the forrest. It was all his fault, everything, from the time he first layed eyes on Harry to the time he last took them off of him. 'Draco, your no good. Just kill yourself already.' The voice in his head screamed. Draco hugged his knees, rocking back and forth, crying. 'It will all be over. Just do it. Harry will understand, you've been through alot. You can get your revenge on your father, he'll have no heir to continue the Malfoy family. It will destroy him, Draco.' Draco bashed the side of his head with his hand. "Get out of my head!" He screamed. His desperate calls echoed throughout the forrest. 'Do it Draco! What's the point of you being alive!?' Draco froze. "I-I don't know."
'Well there is a bridge with a 40 foot drop not far from here. Go there.' As if compelled, Draco headed straight for the bridge. Once he had found himself on the bridge, Draco peered over the edge, looking down at the bottom, he was very high up. 'Step closer to the edge.' Draco obeyed, standing closer. "Am I going to jump?" He asked.
'You tell me.' The voice mocked. 'Jump!'
A deep breath in,
A deep breath out.
'I always knew you weren't weak.' He closed his eyes and jumped...


Teddy's breathing started to fade into nothing. 'Beep-beep-beep--beep--beep---beep---beeeeeeee...' Harry rushed to Teddy's side, checking his pulse. He began panicking. "Teddy? Teddy!? No Ted please!" Nurses came running in, dragging Harry away from the boy. "No! Teddy! Teddy! No! Please!" Harry screamed. Floods of tears swarming down his red face. Everything went into a slow motioned blur. "Sir please, calm down." A nurse hushed. Harry's head began spinning fast. This was probably the most tragic thing that's ever happened to him. And that's saying something. Soon Harry fell ti the ground. -Blackout-

Draco fell fast. But suddenly he was grabbed by a spell and pulled to the top of the cliff. Draco was gently place on the floor. "You idiot boy! For Merlins sake, why did you do that!?" A strangely familiar voice shouted. His conscious soon shut up after hearing the wizard. Draco's eyes landed on a tall man with long white hair. He scrambled to his feet, pointing his wand in the man's direction. "How dare you show your face! You poisoned a child, Father. Your not a great and powerful wizard, your a coward. You-know-who is dead and your still trying to impress him, like you have a mad crush on him or something!" Draco spat.
"Draco, I am no coward! You were the one to jump off a bridge, think yourself lucky I were here." Lucius snapped stepping closer. Draco instantly noticed, zapping a curse at his feet. Lucius quickly jumps out of the way before firing back at Draco. The curse skimmed the side of Draco's arm. He gabbed it, groaning in pain. Draco then realised, lucius was nowhere to been seen. "At least I still have an arm." He said to himself, looking at the scratch. "I'm sorry Harry." He added, remembering he had just tried killing himself. "Wait! Harry! Oh merlin, I am so sorry!" Draco began running to the hospital.


The hospital doors crashed open as Draco darted in. "Where's Harry Potter!?- Teddy Lupin!?" He shouted at the dazed receptionist. "Uh-I-down-hall-then-uh-l-left." She shuddered. "Thank you. Sorry for yelling at you." He said relieved. Draco legged it down the corridor and turned a sharp left. He saw Harry curled up, crying, on the floor at the end of the hall. "Star!" Draco shrieked. Harry looked up. "Dragon!" They both ran over to one another. Draco scooping Harry in his arms, Harry still sobbing. "H-he's g-gone, dra-co! Teddy's gone."
"I am so, so sorry I abandoned you, Star. I promise never to do so again." Draco tightened his grip and planted a kiss on Harry's head. 'Draco...h-he's really gone." Harry wimpered.
"I know, it's ok, I know." A couple tears made their way down Draco's cheeks. "It's ok. I'll get him back, I promise."

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