Ch18.Good Luck

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"So I guess Rose and I should get going. Big day tomorrow, it's going to okay Harry, I mean he'll be okay, you'll get him back, along with 'Mione and Ted." The redhead bolted to his feet, carefully picked Rose up and placed her in the basket he'd been carrying her in. "Bye Ron, I'll see you two tomorrow." Harry smiled, bowing his head slightly. "Bye Harry."


Once the Weasleys had left, Harry sat on the floor next to Draco just as he awoke. "Did I fall asleep?" He asked, not very lively. "Yes, yes you did Dragon. Ron and Rose have gone home." Harry laughed. Draco sat up and rubbed his eyes. "I wanted to say goodbye." Harry grabbed Draco's face in his hands. "You fell asleep. Anyway, we'll see them tomorrow." He whispered and gently kissed Draco's nose. "Can we go to bed now? I haven't slept on the floor since...I don't think I've ever slept on the floor actually. My back hurts." Harry helped the Slytherin to his feet and struggled halfway up the stairs. "I love you Star."
"I love you too Dragon. I would love you even more if you helped me up the stairs."


"Make sure she gets back safely." Ron instructed.
"Will do Ron."
"Get them back safely and promise to get yourself back safely." Harry hugged Draco tightly, as if it were the last time they would see one another. "Good luck mate." Ron added.
"Please, please, please don't leave me. I want you to come back, I want me, you and Ted to be a family. The potion last twenty four hours." Harry kissed Draco's lips and stepped away. Ron handed Draco the potion and a dagger. "I love you Harry James Potter."
"And I you, Draco Lucius Malfoy." The Slytherin swallowed the potion, took the dagger in both hands and plunged it into his chest. Blood pored out his mouth, Harry spun away, he had never wished to see such a horrible scene. Draco fell like snow, gracefully but cold, this snowflake had a more meaningful ending. Luckily Ron had put Rose up in Teddy's room, so she wouldn't have to see her 'uncle' drop dead. Unfortunately Harry did watch him drop dead and was now having a break down. A few tears slid down Ron's face as well. "He'll be back mate, he'll be back."


Draco woke up in Harry's house, but neither Harry or Ron were there. "Harry? Ron?" He yelled. Silence. "It worked! I'm here!" He told himself. Draco stood and began searching the house. "Teddy! Teddy it's Draco!" Nothing. Then it hit him. If he had just died in Harry's house and awoken in Harry's house, Teddy and Hermione would be at the hospital.


"Teddy! Hermione!" Draco yelled though the hospital corridors.


Teddy heard a voice shouting his and Hermione's names. He perked up and rushed over to the door. "I'm in here! The doors locked! I can't get out!" He screamed for help.


Hermione heard her name being called. She ran down the corridors to find Draco. She almost collapsed on the spot because she was so happy to see him. "Draco! Merlin's beard! Draco!" The blond turned to see Hermione Weasley stood meters away. "Bloody hell, Hermione!" She ran over pouncing into his open arms. "Draco what happened?" She said scanning every last detail of his face. "You died, but it's okay. I'm here to bring you and Ted back." Hermione's face changed from over the moon to complete disappointment. "You didn't, did you? You can't be that ignorant!"
"What's wrong?"
"You used the tutum mors potion, didn't you? Draco, you know what's going to happen." Draco bowed his head. "I know but Ron and Rose need you. Harry needs Teddy."
"You can only take one of us back with you." Draco began to cry. "And you didn't tell Harry, did you?" Hermione wrapped her arms around Draco. "If you weren't such a good Slytherin I think you would have been a Hufflepuff."
"We need to find Teddy and get this over with."


"Help! Please I'm in here! The doors locked!" Teddy's calls turned desperate. "Teddy!? Don't worry Draco and I are here to save you." Hermione shouted on the over side of the door. "Stand back!"
Draco kicked the door down and there in the dark stood Teddy Remus Lupin. "Draco!? Hermione!?" He shrieked, stepping over the fallen door. "It's okay Ted, your going home." Draco said reassuring.


"They'll be back soon Harr'. Don't worry."

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