Ch16.The Plan

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"So the plan." Draco stood up off the sofa and faced Harry as if he were on a stage. "I remember reading this somewhere-" Draco was suddenly cut off. "Since when did you read? Besides, you sound like Hermione." Harry laughed. Draco glared at Harry for a couple of seconds. "As I was saying, I remember reading this somewhere: you can bring back the ones you love by drinking this potion called 'tutum mors' potion, after drinking potion, kill yourself, the potion will bring you back to life after it wares off. You will travel to where your loved ones are, of course death will not like this one bit so in order to bring them back with you, you will have to trade a life. It can not be a random person it has to be blood related or you can sacrifice yourself. Death will send your loved ones to the mortal wizarding world. This potion is very rare and has not been used in over two thousand years." Draco smiled but then saw Harry's unsure face. "Star, we can do this, together." Harry looked up at his boyfriend. "We have to give a life, blood related. Family Dragon, we have to sacrifice family." Harry buried his head in his arms. There was a long pause, Draco kneeled down in front of Him, holding Harry's hands in his. "And that is why I'm going to drink the potion." Harry looked down at Draco. "I can't let you do that Draco. I won't let you." Harry panicked. "I'll trade my father's life and be back before you know it." Draco arose from the floor then began getting his coat and shoes on. "Draco. Draco! Draco listen to me!" The blond stopped immediately. "Don't do this!" Harry cried through gritted teeth. "Babe, don't you understand, I have to do this, I have to kill myself, or we can't see them again!" Draco also said through gritted teeth. "You knew it had to be you, didn't you? You knew if I did it, I would have to stay dead...because my family is dead. I don't want you to die, what if it goes wrong? You will be dead, I wouldn't be able to live with myself."
"Look, I'm sorry Harry. Yes I knew it was going to be me, yes it might go wrong, but I love you Harry James Potter, I will Always come back to you, even if you don't want me to, I will Always be there for you."
Draco enveloped Harry into a hug and then lightly kissed his lips.


"But how are we going to get the potion? It's rare. We don't know what it's made out of and I'm pretty sure none of us just so happens to have a bottle of the stuff lying around." Ron complained. Draco sat in front of the fire, he watched as the flames danced on the coal, flickering up the chimney. "Yes we know Ron, that's why we are going to Hogwarts. Draco knows that Snape had every potion imaginable in his vault. No one at Hogwarts knows where the vault is except us. It's bound to be in there." Harry explained. Draco continued to watch the fire burn at the coal. "How's Rose?" He asked Ron. Harry and Ron both looked at Draco, Ron stood and sat beside Draco in front of the fireplace. "She's okay, she's a lot like H- she's a lot like 'Mione. She's beautiful just like her. Do you want the see her?" Ron smiled remembering how much he actually missed Hermione. "If that's okay with you Ron." Draco faced him, "I'll get Hermione back, don't be sad." Draco hugged Ron. He ran up the stairs and carefully picked Rose up out of her cradle and carried her down the stairs to see Draco and Harry. "Look who it is Rose. Look there's uncle Harry." Ron pointed at Harry, Harry smiled at Rose. "And there's uncle Draco, Rose. Let's go over with uncle Draco." Ron placed Rose in Draco's lap and sat on the floor next to the two. Harry watched as Draco spoke to Rose, making her smile, making her giggle and laugh. He's amazing with kids, although at Hogwarts he seemed like the kind of person that would hate them. This Draco he knew now was the Draco he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. The kind, loving, grown up Draco that was good with kids and was fascinated by things muggle like Phones and Coca-Cola. Harry Potter was truly in love with Draco Malfoy. "Draco?" He turned around smiling, the light from the fire giving his face a nice glow. "Yes Harry?" His smile fading, concern spread across his features. "I love you." Harry said proudly. Draco's smile returned beaming. "I love you too."


The next morning, the four drove to Hogwarts. Harry and Ron sat in the front of the car while Rose sat in her car seat next to Draco in the back. "You two alright back there?" Harry asked. Draco squirmed and Harry heard throwing up. Draco squealed again. "Yeah we'll be fine in a minute. Rose has just been sick. Yuck, it's on my clothes." Draco sounded like a baby mandrake screeching. Ron tried his best not to burst out laughing but failed. "Yeah yeah, laugh at the what used to be rich kid now the man with baby puke all over him." Harry began laughing with Ron. "Oh thanks amazing boyfriend of mine, real supportive." Draco smirked.

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