Chapter 3

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When the girl opened her eyes again, she found herself laying in a black room laying on something soft.Letting her senses explore the room, Dakota lay unmoving until her thirst kicked in.She stood up and quickly hurried out of the front door, pleased to find a human near.Draining him, the vampire dropped him and quickly flew back, laying down on the sofa, not a second too late.The older woman peeked around a corner, already dressed in her teaching outfit-tight jeans and a blouse, relieved when she found her student awake.

She sat down and looked at the girl who smiled at her apologetically and said she was sorry if she had woken her up, she would walk around in her sleep sometimes.Petra simply smiled ''It was time for me to stand up anyway.How are you feeling?'' The younger woman replied she should not worry about her so much and stood up stretching.'' I can take you to school with me.''the woman said, grabbed her purse and walked towards her car.Dakota followed quickly and sat in the passenger seat.

The drive to school did not take long, both stayed silent until the building came into view. ''I don't want to be rude, but people could start talking if they see us arriving together..'' With a quick nod, the student got out of the car and walked the last part to school.Not bothering to feed again, the girl went straight to her classroom and sat at an empty table near the windows.

Taking her notebook out, the vampire started drawing, feeling strangely calmed by the sound of raindrops against the glass.

She had never been at school so early. '' At least I won't be late again...'' Dakota mumbled and stopped drawing the horns of maleficent as the bell rang.Closing the notebook with a quiet sound, the girl smiled at the sight of her favourite teacher entering the class.However, the smile disappeared fast as she recognised what the topic of this lesson was. Witches burning. Memories of the past floated in her mind, causing her to look out of the window, close to tears.

Mrs Klein noticed her favourite girl getting sadder and sadder with every word, but not knowing what to do about it, she decided to continue her lesson.

Images of burning bodies appeared in front of Dakota's eye and she started shaking lightly.'Humans are horrible, they only care about themselves.' Dakota thought with clenched fists. The pile of ashes from her family on the ground of the market and the cheer from people came to her mind and a tear rolled down her cheek, causing the girl to turn her head away.

Finally rescued by the bell, the young vampire kept sitting at the table, trying to get her emotions under control.The goddess-like scent of her teacher did not help. ''Dakota...what's wrong?'' the older woman asked, walking over to her student. ''You know you can talk with me don't you?'' she told the now heavily shaking girl, who was clearly struggling with holding her tears back.

Not hesitating the older woman took the surprised girl in her arms, feeling she and the girl grew a bit closer.

Relaxing unconsciously in the embrace, Dakota hated herself for being so weak in front of a human.Taking a deep breath the wonderful scent of the teacher filled her lungs.Raspberry.

The vampire closed her eyes with a tiny smile, feeling calmed by the presence of the other person.

Shortly after that, the bell rang one more time signalling the beginning of the next lesson. ''If you want to talk, meet me at the spot after school where you left this morning.'' Mrs Klein said quietly and left for her next class, but not without looking back at the student.

Not bothering to go to another lesson, the vampire walked out of school and to the place, where she sat on the ground in the pouring rain and waited. 

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