Chapter 5

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She turned around after Petra said her name and scanned her up and down. "Since we're both awake, do you want to play a game?" Dakota asks Petra . For a moment the teacher thought there was something flashing behind her student's eyes. 'She's a student, get yourself together Petra!'

"I don't own any board games, sorry." she tells the girl and feels herself getting irritated as she smiles at her. 'If she wasn't talking about board games, what kind of games was she talking about?'
Less than a second later her question got answered: "Let's play truth or dare!"

This caught Petra's interest, it might be her only chance to find something out about her mysterious student. Petra walked over to a cabinet and opened it, taking two glasses and one of the alcohol bottles with a light pinkish liquid in it out and then places everything on a table.

"Well...who should start?" she asks, suddenly feeling nervous. Dakota seems to feel the same way because she chooses to start with the truth. "Okay, first the rules. If someone does not want to answer a question, they will have to drink their glass. Your question is: why are you such a loner?"

Dakota almost seems relieved by the question. "I guess people make me nervous and that's the reason why I avoid them and they avoid me. Your turn!"
Petra smiles at her answer "I'll take truth too." and leaned forward, curious about what her student would ask her.

"Why did you become a teacher for history?" Hm..seems like we're starting with casual questions, Petra thought. Looking around the dimly lighted room, she replies slowly "Everything repeats itself, this is the reason why history interests me so much...don't know how to explain it better."
Dakota seemed to have knowledge about what her teacher was talking about as her eyes glide over the furniture in the living room."I'll take the truth." she tells Petra after a while, seeming to be careful about this game and the alcohol involved.

Finally, the teacher had the chance to ask her student what she was craving to know.
"You have spent the past nights here. Why is no one worried about you or searching for you?"
Sadness flashes over Dakota's face but she quickly hides it behind her usual mask, making the older woman feel a bit guilty for asking the question.
"I live alone..didn't you read my school folder?" It actually made sense...even though it was unusual "No I didn't look into it, maybe I will do it in the following week. My next choice is dare!"
Dakota smirks. "Show me the photos you have on your phone."

The older woman's instincts almost instantly tell her that there is more to this dare, but she didn't want to give up yet. With an uneasy feeling, she stands up to get her phone, going through the gallery in her head. There shouldn't be something bad on it since she was always very careful with her phone, after all, it was easy to lose.

As soon as Petra got back to the sofa, her student scoots closer and places her chin on her shoulder.
Petra starts scrolling through the many photos of her and her family, her dog back at home, places she had visited or funny pictures she had found on the internet.
When they reach the end, Dakota retreats her head with a disappointed expression.
"My next choice is dare." the girl tells her suddenly and manages to catch her off guard.
"Well...I dare you to take a shot." is Petra's reply before laughing "no seriously that would be have to take something off, let's say for 15 minutes."

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