Chapter 9

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''Backing away from your own challenge?'' Dakota  asks while trying to hide her disappointed expression."Well....I can't blame you.To be fair..'' she stops talking as she fills her glass with Vodka, lifts it up and drinks slowly, trying to ignore the liquid burning down her throat.

„Either way I feel horrible." Petra says, making the younger woman lift her head and look at her. Her teacher had a worried expression on her face. ''It would have been okay if you didn't drink it.''

Dakota shakes her head at her teacher's words while coughing. ''Goddess this is a strong drink.'' she finally manages to say as a smile spreads over Petra's face. Goddess, if she continued to be that adorable I might not be able to control my inner vampire with all that alcohol in my body. ''I would like to take truth this time. ''Dakota tells her, hoping it wouldn't be that hard to answer.

''It is a strong drink...'' the older woman says ''but you did a good job.'' The brunette pauses before asking her next question.''What do you really think of me?''

Sensing her curiosity the vampire eyes her glass, not sure if it would be wise to answer that question in her drunken state. Within the next second her glass is refilled and on her lips.

Dakota stop when the glass is half empty and turns to Petra „What do you choose?''

The blonde can feel confusion seep trough Petra's body but the other woman covers it up quickly, maybe a bit too quick for her liking. ''Truth.'' is all she says as Dakota's mind scoots closer to the topic she had wanted to avoid.

''What do you think about supernatural people? werewolves and vampires? she asks nervously while playing with her necklace and not daring to look at her teacher.''would you like to be one?''

Petra laughs lightly. ''Well, I mean they are cool, some creepy stories. Most of them are interesting and I'd love for them to be true at a certain level, but that's not really possible.''

She pauses. ''Would I be one? I guess so, it would make life more interesting.''

Her answer makes Dakota shift on her seat uneasy since she didn't really know what to think about Petra's reply. ''I will take truth again.'' she states finally while eyeing her half full glass.

The older woman seems to have become more careful and reserved with her questions.''What is your favourite thing to eat?''

Dakota's dizzy mind makes it hard for her to think straight, so she replies with the first thing that comes to her mind. ''Humans.''

However, her teachers shocked expression clears her head at least a bit, so she quickly adds. ''......and pasta.''

It's quiet for a while before her teacher bursts out laughing.''I love humans too.'' she exclaims jokingly, making Dakota look at her with a shocked expression, which makes her only laugh harder. ''Well, give me a good dare!'' she tells her as soon as she calmed down.

The drunken vampire speaks before Dakota's brain can catch up. ''What letting me sleep in your bed tonight?''

AN// As you might have noticed I like cliffhangers xx  I'll try to update this story every two months!!

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