superheroes- john young x reader|pt 1

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Y/N = your name

Y/N's P.O.V.

"We have a robbery in progress." I had tapped into the police radio.

I listen carefully as the cop give's out the address.

Bank robbery.

teleporting just outside the building, I check the perimeter. Seeing no one, I teleport inside. The two guys in ski masks seem surprised that I just appeared.

One of them shoots, but I teleport behind him, grabbing his gun and hitting him over the head with it.

He falls to the ground and the other man drops his gun, throwing his hands up in surrender. I teleport to get some extra zip-tie's that were on the counter. Teleporting back, I tie his hands as well as the other man's.

I release the hostages, before teleporting again, this time setting the two men outside, right in front of a large group of police who were waiting to storm the building.

"Your welcome." I smirk, teleporting away.
I walk down the cold street.

I stopped two muggings and a robbery today. deserve some time out.

My breath puffs out in small clouds around my face. I had swapped out my suit and mask for a pair of dark jeans, a gray sweat shirt/hoodie, my black leather jacket and a pair of boots.

I had bought a cup off coffee and the top of it steamed in the cold air.

I guess I'm not paying attention, because I bump into a man. Before I can comprehend what's going on, instinct kicks in and the coffee cup stops midair. The man and his friend stare at me.

I drop the cup and it falls to the floor, splattering everywhere. Turning, I run. To my surprise, I look back to see them following me.

I turn into an empty alleyway, teleporting.

I'm even more surprised when the do the same.

I stop and turn, looking them over.

"Alright, friend or foe? Are you ultra?" I ask.

"Actually, we're the opposite. We're protecting people like you, people like us, from ultra. We have a base where you'll be safe." The first man states calmly.

"Been there, done that." I sigh.

They look at each other, then back to me in confusion.

"I'm kind of banned. See, I'm guessing you two know John? Yeah, he doesn't like me much." I explain.

"You know John?" They both ask.

"Its been a while." I shrug.

"Just, come with us. Lets at least talk it over." He pleads.

"I don't want to hide. That's why John kicked me out." I reply.

"Then...don't. Just come with us and talk. We won't keep you. You leave whenever you want." He tries.

I finally give in.

"Fine. My name's Y/N." I sigh.

"I'm Stephen." He says.

"Russell." His friend speaks up.
We jump back to the hideout, and its hard to stick the landing with a clumsy guy on each side of you.

I move to push myself up, but find a pair of shoes in front of me. Shoes, connected to legs, connect to a chest with crossed arms and on top of that, a very unhappy looking John.

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