I don't, but I do...-John young X Elora summers part 1

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requested by fantasy_queen_26.

Elora summers, 17.


What's wrong with me?

The question rang in my head and stung my heart.

I hear voices, I move things with my mind...I can teleport... I'm a freak.

I ran away from home a week ago and I've been living on the street ever since.

I've been trying to find somewhere I can work and get paid under the table, but so far that isn't going well.

I can't go back home, though. I can't hurt my family.

Letting out a sigh, I keep walking with my head down.

Not that my family even wants me back.

I had heard their thoughts. they wanted me gone.

Then I feel it starting.

A strange feeling tingling through my body as the voices flood in quicker and heavier.

I pick up pace, pushing through the crowd. i bump people who curse at me, but I don't pay them any mind.

I've got to get out of here. I've got to get away from people...

a car suddenly spins out of control.

I need to go now.

I run as fast as I can, turning into an alley and running to the end of it.

I drop, sitting on the floor, hugging my legs to my chest and burying my face in my knees.

Taking deep breaths, I try to calm myself.

I feel the small debris floating around my face.

"Are you okay?"

I snap up at the voice.

There's a woman with long, dark hair standing about ten feet away from me.

"It's alright. I'm not here to hurt you."She holds her hands up.

"I'm Cara. What's Your name?"

"Elora,"I Reply cautiously.
"you need to go..."

She doesn't move.

"Why?" She asks slowly.

"You need to leave, i-" I break off.

"I don't want to hurt you..." I whisper.

"You're not going to hurt me." She shakes her head.

"You don't know that!" A dumpster flies across the alleyway.

it's about to hit her when she teleports.

"Elora, I need you to calm down. You won't hurt me. everything's gonna be okay, I promise. but you need to calm down." Cara Speaks over the small storm of flying debris building up in the alleyway.

"I can't control it!" I yell.

"You can."She assures me.

"Take deep breaths. count to ten. that's what I used to do." She talks me through it.

I take a deep breath.

"One...Two...three...four...five..." I count slowly.

The Debris aren't clanging anymore.

"Six...Seven...Eight...Nine...ten."I breathe.

the junk clatters to the floor.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you alright?" Cara asks.

"Y-yeah..."I stammer in awe.

"You're...You're like me!"I gape.

"I am. And I can take you to a place with people like us if you'll let me." she smiles, holding out her hand.

I hesitate for a moment.

I only just met this woman.

But she did help me...

And I'm pretty sure the laws of you you should and should not trust change in these situations.

She's like me.

I take her hand slowly.

There's a bright flash and I'm suddenly somewhere new.

I stumble, having yet to adjust to the kick of teleportation.

"What is this place?" I ask.

"Our little safe haven." she replies.
Finally! sorry it took me so long. 554 words. I will be making a part two, hopefully soon. and I'm still working on a spiderman imagine. You know who you are. anyhow, thanks for reading, hope you enjoy! I'm off to bed. long day of work tomorrow.

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