imagine: the ring effecting sam

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Requested by stringslady 
3RD P.O.V.

Sam was climbing down the stairs, tears in his eyes.

After all that had happened, how Frodo could send him back? Yet Gollum had tried to kill him, and he was up there. Sam should have been up there!

He los and slipped down the rest of the way.

Something caught his eye he hit the ground.

A package of lembas bread!

He thinks for a moment,  before crushing it in anger, and turning back to the stairs.


Frodo ran through the tunnel, but fell, entangling himself in the webs.

He struggled to stand up, but staggered back.

And you frodo baggins. I give you the light of  Earendil, our most beloved star. May it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights are out.

He fumbled for his pocket, closing his eyes.

"Aiya Earendil Elenion Anclaim." He spoke  to it, shoving it  forward.

It blazed forth with a bright light. he looks at it surprised.

Frodo sensed a movement behind him and turned his head slowly around to look.

He leaped up and Shelob, a huge spider, attacked him!

He helds the light up to her, which she didn't like, and she stood back
from him. Frodo fell over backwards as he tried to get away.

She attacked him again,  but he stood up and thrusted the light at her, making her back off.

He fell over again and she trusted her stinger at him. He slashed at it with sting, before jumping up and running off. Shelob chased him.

He managed to escape from her by falling through a hole too small for her to fit through. He drops the light.

Frodo continues to run away through the tunnel but he gets stuck in a web. He is suspended in the web powerless.

"Naughty little fly. Why does he cry?"
Gollum appears in front of him to gloat over him Caught in a web.

"Soon you'll be eaten."

Frodo began to slash at the web angrily,  with Sting. Shelob came up behind him, but Frodo was beginning to escape from the web.

Gollum saw this and looked worried. He turned and ran away. Frodo runs through the web with Shelob behind him. Sting got caught in the web, so Frodo let go of it and ran after Gollum. He escaped through a narrow entrance and struggled to release himself from the entangling webs around him. Immediately Gollum jumped on him and grabbed him by the ears.

"Got away did it precious? Not this time. Not this time." He muttered, trying to grab the Ring.

"NO!" Frodo yelled Gollum threw him against the rock face.

Frodo ran back to attack him and pushed him down on the floor, punching him.

"It wasn't us. It wasn't us."Gollum cried.

Frodo had him by the throat.

"Smeagol wouldn't hurt master. We promised. You must believe us. It was the precious. The precious made us do it."

Frodo let him go and falls back. He looked at Gollum who was also lying down and gasping. He gets up.

"I have to destroy it Smeagol. I have to destroy it for both our sakes." He said.

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