Control- spiderman x reader

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Requested by FireGirlDragons12345

Y/N's P.O.V

walk through the school halls to my locker.

I quickly unlock it, shoving some stuff in and grabbing my textbook.

"hey, Y/N!" I turn to see Peter.

Peter Parker.

"oh, uh... hi Peter." I shut my locker door.

"What's up?" He asks, now sporting an adorable grin.

"uh... not much. listen, I've gotta go. class is gonna start any minute." I force a small smile.

"oh...okay. I guess I'll see you around, then..." He frowns.

there's a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I'm protecting him.

I remind myself over and over.

"Bye." I turn away.

"bye..."He just stands there, looking lost.

I'm protecting him.

from myself.

it was all an accident. it's always an accident. I would never hurt anyone on purpose.

but I can't control it.

I was walking. just like any other day.

I was on my way home from school.

and that's when it started.

I had started hearing people's thoughts a long time ago.

but until now it hadn't really been a problem.

it was loud sometimes, but I had gotten used to it.

but this time was different.

I had just looked at him.

I could hear him screaming.

but not out loud.

his expression was blank, but I could see the fear in his dull, grey eyes.

'I can't stop! why can't I stop?'

he walked into traffic.

and I ran.

I knew, I knew It had to have been my fault.

there was no other way...

"Miss L/N."

"Miss Y/N L/N!" The teacher clears his throat.

'Daydreaming in my class? well see about that.'

"What is the answer?" he asks.

I'm internally panicking.

I don't know, how can I get out of this? how am I supposed to- wait...

'43, 43, come on...'

The girl sitting next to me looks like she feels bad for me.

"43." I say quickly.

The teacher almost looks disappointed.

and that tells you enough about our education system for today.

"Alright then." He turns back to continue our lesson.

"Hey, Y/N!" Peter yells, running down the sidewalk to catch up with me.

Peter, no...

"Hi, Peter...what are you doing here?" I ask politely.

"Oh, just walking home from school casually..." He Smiles.

"Peter, your house is that way." I nod in the other direction.

'Peter, why? I'm an idiot. now she's gonna think your a stalker.'

I laugh a little.

"oh...right...Well, I just...I wanted to ask...well, it sorta just seems like you're avoiding me..."He rubs the back of his neck.

", Peter, I'm not...I've just been busy." I Clear my throat.

"Oh. well, In that case, wanna  come over, or-"

"No! I...I can't, I have...homework." I lie.

well, I did have homework, but...

"Well, we could do it together-"

"It's more like the kind of homework you do...alone..."I Say awkwardly.

"oh. okay. that's- that's cool, then. I'll...see you around I guess." He flashed a half smile, walking backwards.

"Bye Peter."I sigh.

"Bye Y/N." He's obviously trying not to look too upset.

'See? you went and messed it up. not even Y/N likes you anymore.'

I feel horrible turning away. he shouldn't feel like it's his fault when...

when it's me.

finally finished that! or at least part one. I am SO BAD. I never finish any of my writing.  Anyhow, there's that finally out. hopefully you enjoyed reading it. 😊

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