thank you, taxi- john youngxreader

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I walk down the street on my way to work, cars passing me noisily.
I work at a coffee shop called 'busy Bean's, coffee and bakery' and I love my work, even when it gets rough.

I turn, walking across an empty street. A horn honks and I see a taxi not ten feet from me. I'm frozen. I can't move, I can't scream, then the next thing I know, I'm on the sidewalk.

I look myself over. There's no blood, no pain...the only scratch on me is a small scrape on my knee, visible through my ripped jeans.

Then I look over. The taxi is gone, but there's a blonde man laying on the pavement.

I stumble over to him.

Oh my god...He's bleeding.

I kneel next to him, shaking his shoulder lightly.

"Come on, guy. Wake up..." I pull out my phone, breathing shakily.

"911, what is your emergency?" The operated asks on the other end of the line.

"I- I need an ambulance, right away. This guy just got hit by a car." I stammer.

"Where are you?" The operator asks calmly. I quickly give her the location.

"An ambulance will be there as soon as possible. Ma'am, can you tell me if he's breathing?" She asks.

"Um..." I look at him. His chest is still rising and falling slightly.

"Yes, Barely." I tell her.

"Good. That's good. Is he bleeding?" She asks.

"Yes." I reply.

"Can you tell me where?" I look him over.

"His face..."I answer.

"Where? His forehead? His nose?" She asks.

"His nose. The rest of his face is pretty scratched up, too." I say, trying to keep calm.

"Ma'am, is he bleeding from his mouth? That could mean internal bleeding." I shake my head, before realizing she can't see me.

"Um, no. His...his Lip's busted, but he's not coughing up blood, or anything." I sigh.

"Good. The ambulance will be there very soon." She says.

Just then I heard the sirens.

A few seconds later, they pulled up.

"Thank you so much. They're here." I say, hanging up.

Two men race out.

They get him onto a cot, loading it into the ambulance.
I stand outside the hospital, my phone in hand.

"This is Busy Bean's, how can I help you?" A voice answered.


"Y/N, where are you? You were supposed to be here an hour ago."she asks, her voice slightly annoyed, but mostly worried.

"Charlie, I need to know if you can cover my shift." I try not to let my voice crack.

"Y/N, what's going on? Where are you?" She asks.

"I'm at the hospital." I reply.

"What?! " she asks.

"I'm fine, its not me. I was on my way to work, and this cab came out of nowhere. This guy pushed me out of the way, and now he's in the hospital. It's all my fault, and I need to know if you'll cover for me." My voice trembles as tears fill my eyes.

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