An open letter to Yuri!!! on Ice

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Dear YOI,

At first, I didn't know you. I didn't think much of you. But now... look at how far our fandom-fangirl relationship has evolved. I only watched your first episode due to the persuasion of my friends. Then I watched the second. Then the third. I finished all the episodes you had at that time (which was five) and was hooked!

Thursdays became special days for me. After school and after my homework, I would literally run upstairs and watch the newest episode. Then on Fridays, my friends and I would fangirl about how gay and angsty you were. It was fun.

I forced two of my friends to watch you as well. They loved it. That's how much chemistry you have with people like me.

Thank you, Yuri!!! on Ice. Without you, I probably wouldn't be the type of human to sit down on their bed, stare at my laptop for 20 minutes and start sobbing.

I appreciate all that you've done for me and the rest of this glorious fandom. May your gay glory shine within us all.

Thank you, and I'll see you in the next level

Your Asexual rainbow,


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