3am ranting

167 17 4

me: so you're telling me that, although yuri on ice focuses on a mlm relationship developing, people still dont thing victuuri is canon? what was it, sharon, a hug?? a fucking hug??? bitch did you see the reaction the whole rink had?? victor and yuuri hugging don't mean shit, but if it were a kiss, one would expect that kind of reaction would be made by the crowd. oh, you're telling me they're just ""good friends""???? i dont see no good friends looking at one another like that!! have you seen the official art?? they look so fucking in love!! why do people still think it's not fucking canon when it is????

person at the mcdonald's drive through window: ma'am it is 3am just please take your nuggets and leave


@ all the people who don't think victuuri is canon please dont talk to me ever thanks

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