YOI AUs 2.0: The AU Strikes Back

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1- AU where Victor is teaching at a local highschool and the principal gives him a partner to teach with and oh wow he's so pretty and his eyes have such a lovely sparkle to them and oh god i think im gay

2- AU where Barista! Sala wonders why this redhead keeps going to her Starbucks even though she doesn't like coffee

3- AU where JJ isn't a complete asshole

4- AU where Yuuri goes to the wrong tower and when he shouts "Rapunzel, let down your hair!" he's shocked to see a gray-haired guy look at him

5- "I know you're trying to impress me by reading thick novels but what the fuck dude your book is upside down do you even realize that??" AU

6- AU where JJ doesn't have a superiority complex

7- Soulmate AU wherein the first thing your soulmate says to you is written on your arm and Otabek's arm is branded with a big "Fuck you"

8- Emil is a budding comedian and there's this one dude that keeps going to his shows that yells the  meanest shit to him every time

9- Anxiety Support Group AU featuring all the skaters bc damn boi them skaters be so anxious

10- AU where seung gil doesnt decide to make a fool of himself and dress like a fucking parrot

11- Phichit owns a pet shop that's well known for the hamsters but this weird Korean guy just keeps staring at the parrots like wtf boi our speciality is the goddamn hamsters who even likes parrots wtf

12- AU where the female skaters actually fucking skate

13- 13 reasons why AU— *gets tackled*

14- Pokemon AU??? Maybe????

15- Texting AU featuring a GC of all the coaches complaining about their students, and one of the students finds out

16- Yuuri is an artist, and Victor is a writer, and they're both working together for a book that they hope would be published soon. However, a major problem arises, when one of them realizes they like the other one, and a scandal ensues.

17- A Redemption Arc for Chris for him to stop fucking nutting

18- "Dude I'm Japanese so I can't really understand your Russian sweet talk but... wait, that wasn't sweet talk?? What was it then??" AU

19- AU where JJ is Secretly Satan

20- This isn't an AU but how fucking wild would it be if our resident Canadian JJ Style'd up his cocky ass????

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