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Heya! I just wanted to say that, even though you didn't win, your comments were still amazing and I love the amount of effort you guys put into it!!

Anyways, the winner of the first and last Crack!!! on Ice Raffle is...

wait for it...

@chocoholic_otaku !!!

congrats my dude!

they won me over with the immense amount of comments they gave me; most of which were hilarious!!

pm me to tell me your full-colored digital art request/ one-shot request!!

you also get: a shout out and a follow!!

again, just because you didn't win, doesn't mean that you're not funny! there were so many close seconds, and i legit considered letting all of you guys win

sadly, this is a raffle, and most of the time, there can only be one winner ;V;

anyways, thank you so much for participating in this raffle!! this is the most fun ive had in centuries!!

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