left behind + a/n

152 10 2

yuuri: victor can we go back i think i left something in the house

victor: oh it's fine i'm sure it wasn't that important :)

yuuri: i left my ring

victor, hitting reverse and slamming the gas: bitch why didnt u tell me this is some serious shit over here christmas is fucking ruined hold up lemme just--


whoa i havent been here in a while

i guess you all deserve an explanation

i just felt super unmotivated to write??? and i was losing passion for a lot of things so i didnt really bother updating anything

activity on my profile had hit a low point and i just didn't feel like continuing something i lacked motivation for

so i went on an unannounced hiatus

not that anyone missed me anyways lmao

anyways yeha expect something nice for m'boi victor's birthday soon

idk bye

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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