Forever and Always

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Twenty-Five Years Later // chapter forty-seven

Dear everyone,

I write this story not only with a heavy heart but with a proud smile. Jace and I have gone through so much to sustain our love. Even beyond this story, we've faced so many obstacles and together, we've survived them all. You've elected Jace as the youngest President of the country and thus Jon, Emilia and me as your First Family for eight years. It's been five years since you all first made this choice and one since you made it again and I felt obligated to share with you Jace and I's story. For the couples who are struggling with their fight for love and for those who believe love to be a lost concept, I hope our story proves to you the opposite. The clichés of love are cliché because they're true. I hope you see the beauty in yourselves and each other. And I hope you find the beauty that is love. No matter when, where and with whom you find it, love will always prove to be the strongest fighter of all. I may be your First Lady, but I'm also just another girl who fell in love with an amazing guy. With these last words, I want to remind you all, no matter how hard life is, no matter how lost you may feel, it will always get better. Take it from me. 

Forever and Always,

Alice Grayson


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A/N: I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT IT'S OVER. It's been amazing writing this story and reading all the feedback you all gave me. Thank you for reading and getting this story to 200k+ reads, which is more than I ever expected. I can't thank you all enough for all that you've done for me. I want to hear your thoughts on the story, the characters, and the ending. I also hope you check out my other story, Bad Girls Reform. Again, thank you so much!!!!

P.s. I will be doing a Q&A, so if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments. 

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