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Momoko woke inside a red room....Brick was the first person she thought of. Quickly and quietly she stood up and exited the room. She could hear sound's of a t.v.

Turning down a hall way she saw Karou hugging Butch as they both slept , they were watching the news on what had happened at school...and them revealing who they truly a were. The PowerPuff Girls Z.

She listen as sound began to come from the kitchen, looking inside she saw Miyako and Boomer cooking a cake, "i hope she's alright" Miyako spoke softly and sadly. Boomer hugged from behind and smiled "after she eats the cake we just had, she'll be smiling and laughing"

She nodded and smiled at him and continues to frost the cake.


Momoko jumped as she heard Karou jump up and scream as she tried to figure out what happened. She could hear running "SHE'S GO-!" Brick crashed into her, sending them both down. They stared at each other before he smiled and hugged her.. "your awake!" he shouted.

Momoko watched as one by on they all hugged her. "i'm so glad you ok Momoko-san" Miyako said near to tears. karou stared at her she gave her a questioningly look. "they are inside you...right?"

Brick pulled away..."yes..and no " she said.

Seeing the confused look on their faces, she smiled and motioned for them all to sit down. "ok, so ask away" Miyako was the first to speak, "were they really..dead?" she nodded "how though!?....they were litterly alive...i think?" Karou said

"They died when they were 12...but they didn't realize it...i'm guessing the boy soon realized it but the sister didn't"

Butch spoke next "why did they go,,,you know" he pointed at her stomach "in there"

Momoko smiled, "because i am to give birth to them"..."WHAT!" she smiled.. "not right now,but in the future" Brick stared at her stomach

"i am now carrying their souls inside me...they are just waiting now"

Her friends nodded, as Miyako started to think of clothes for them with Boomer, Karou and Butch argued about sports from them.

Momoko smile faltered as she noticed Brick staring at her stomach..slowly he keeled down and kissed her flat stomach, "see you soon" he whispered

She blushed "what do you mean soon!" she screamed. He ignored her and his brothers cat calls. hugging her tightly he spoke the words they all knew but never heard. "I love you for eternity" he smiled as she turned brighter then before.


i stink i explaining thing's...hopefully i'll fix it in the near future...if i remember. 

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