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I'm done
I want to be done
I just don't feel right
I feel like I'm just here to be here
I'm here to be nothing
I'm a ghost
A ghost with no words

Things feel out of place
I'm not special
I'm nothing
Why do you care?
Why should you care?
Sometimes I wonder, do y'all use me?
Do you even like me?
Is this a prank?
Who paid you?

I'm not beautiful
I'm not pretty
I'm not nothing
I've been through shit
I'm scared
I'm lonely
Anyone can hurt me
I'm fragile even if I don't act like it
I'm not smart
I'm not perfect
Perfect is what you want
Not me

All my friends are the pretty ones
They're the smart ones
They're all skinny
They all look flawless
While I stand in the back

Why do I got a boyfriend?
Who paid him?
Is he only there for my looks?
For popularity?
Just to get some?
What is it
There's nothing good in me
It's ugliness
A broken girl with scars

I want to be that pretty girl that everybody loves
I want to super smart
I want to be skinny
I want all my stretch marks to go away
I want to be loved

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