Chapter one

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My day at work had been long, exhausting, and tiring.

The boss had been away today in which I was thankful to as I wasn't putting my best effort in todays shift. i was too exhausted from last nights restless sleep.

I checked my phone as I walked through the front door and as usual it had a message from my next door neighbour saying that Ben had been at my home drunk and looking for me calling out my name. I frowned as this had been happening for the past two weeks and we broke up three years ago.

I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water to help relieve my headache since i didnt have any panadole before heading off to bed.

I woke up the sound of my alarm clock at five am and went to hit the snooze button, but instead missed it completely and tumbled out of bed and onto the tiled floor tangled in my blankets. With a curse I got up, threw the alarm clock at the wall and jumped into the cool and refreshing shower waking me up ready for work. after beautifying myself in just ten minutes I headed off for my first shift of the day at the cafe.

Loads of people were crowding around the entrance which was unusual as we were never this busy. Quickly I rushed around the back way so I could start helping out.

"Her, I want her to serve me" said a gentleman seated at our finest table in a black dress shirt and dark blue jeans. I scowled to myself at his rudeness as I made my way towards him.

" are you ready to order sir ?" I asked  in my politest voice as Andrea walked away to serve another table. the only reason why i was serving this rude person was because my boss was watching and gave me a look telling me to do what ever he wants. he obviously had alot of money by the way he was dressed and acted all superior.

"Not quite, what would you recommend?" he asked with a cheeky smirk on his handsome face. "well sir, it all depends on your personal taste. if your a seafood man i'd recommend the platter of mixed seafood in which contains oysters, peeled prawns, seafood sauce, lobster, crab and calamari. But judging by your looks, actions and the way you speak, your not. a medium rare steak perhaps with  one of our finest mushroom gravy and a side dish of perfected salad." I said and he seemed to have a hint of surprise in his eyes at first then covered it with amusement. "steak it is then" he said as I wrote his order down on my small notebook.

"Is that all today?" I asked impationatly as I didn't want to waste my time on a guy like this. "For now" he replied with a smug look on his face.

I rolled my eyes whilst walking away and didn't care if the worlds biggest billionaire wanted my assistance, people like him were very up themselves and thought poorly of others.

Three hours passed by and my shift was over. As I untied my white apron from around my waist and placed it onto the black marble counter. Ethen, the billionaire I had served earlier,  was walking towards me just as I was about to exit. quickly I turned around hoping he'd take the hint and leave me alone but he unfortunatly failed to receive my message.

"I appreciated your service ... rose" he said as his eyes flicked down to my name badge and back up to my eyes. "perhaps we shall have a coffee later on?" he invited and I could tell that everyones eyes were on us. "I'm busy" I replied as I could hear a few gasps then walked out feeling his cold glare on my back. I smiled as I could tell that I was getting under his skin by not falling head over heels for him at first glance as everyone else had and gave myself a smile of satisfaction.

My next two jobs went by quickly and I sighed with relief when I finished work at 12:55am at the service station.

Another message was left on my phone about the same thing, Ben had been here looking for me drunk.

That night I hadn't been able to sleep. His icy blue eyes with an ocean blue rim wouldn't leave my mind no matter how hard I tried to ignore them.

The next day at work was peaceful as he didn't show up. I seemed to be happier when I finished as I got let of half an hour earlier which meant that I got to go home sooner. A letter had been slipped underneath my door with my name written neatly in fancy letters. I picked it up and opened it roughly to find an invitation to a ball from a member of a Blackwell family, I was also invited to bring a guest of my choice.

I instantly knew it was from ethen as I hadn't met any other members of the Blackwell family. the ball is on once every few years and it's very rare to get invited to one. I had always wondered what the ball would look like but couldn't stand being around people whom were up themselves. I shoved it on my bench as I was sure two girls from work at the cafe would love to go.

I slept peacefully that night, thank god, and gave the invitation to Andrea at work the next day and told her to use my name before I headed of to my next job.

Work at the hardware store had been quiet as usual. a man in casual dress with a dark blue beanie walked up to me with his head facing down. "May I help you with anything?" I asked as I walked over to him and held in my laughter when he lifted his head, it was ethen.

I couldn't help it but to let out a small chuckle. "wow, you could almost pass as someone normal if those clothes weren't brand new and designer" I admitted as he seemed amused at my reaction.

"And you looked stunning last night in that yellow dress with the name Andrea" he replied changing the subject with a smirk on his face.

"Why thank you" I replied as I could see my boss giving me a warning look. "are you here to buy anything because I'll get fired if your not" I added as his smirk grew even wider. "rope" he replied, "follow me, it's in section 5" I said as he began walking after me. "so tell me, why didn't you attend the ball?. everyone would of have jumped at the opportunity" he said changing the subject back to the ball.

"Well I'm not everyone. I can't just freeze time to go to some big fancy ball. I have work, something that pays my bills so I can have a roof over my head and have decent food to eat" I replied as I stopped at the ropes.

I watched as he picked up the largest size and put it over his shoulder. " when do you get off?" he asked as I sighed. "12am and that's when I go to bed. so no, I can't have coffee" I replied.

"Excuse me for a minute" he said as he walked away and I took the opportunity to serve someone else so I didn't have to put up with him anymore.

"Are you searching for anything in particular?" I asked a customer then helped her to find a garden hose.

"Shall we" said Ethen suddenly from beside me as he hooked his arm with mine and began walking out the door dragging me along with him. "what are you doing!?" I asked trying to stop walking but he was too strong. "We're going out for some coffee, what else" he replied as we got into a fancy car.

"Were you not listening before, I have to work!" I said as the cars engine started and I went to open the door but it was locked.

"I was, and I took care of that" he replied giving me that smirk of his again and i returned him with an evil glare.

i could already tell that this guy was going to get annoying

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