Chapter ten

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it took me a while to finally convince him to leave, but i did it. i had to lie to him, tell him i hate him and that i dont want to be friends with someone such as himself. all lies, but i did it...

now im laying on the cold tiles listening to the crickets outside with the doors unlocked knowing that it would be pointless as no matter what ben would find his way inside. at one stage i thought of running, but realised seconds later that there was no point as no matter how far i ran, he'd always catch up to me...

ethen. he was all that was on my mind now though. i was horrible to him, but he'll forget about me and go back to his life and find a new person to toy with. i have to remember that he was just toying with me, i was nothing to him. someone with such importance doesnt take interrest in someone whos so low and broken such as myself...

but even though id just be a forgotten memory to him, he'd always be on my mind continuesly. his blue eyes, his sence of humour, his smerk, his care, his kindness...

a door swung open, then slammed shut and seconds after the sound of a lock locking into place filled the quiet night.

"oh rose my darling" called out a farmiliar voice with a slurr and then came the sound of heavy footsteps and the sound of liquid swishing inside a bottle, beer...

i mentally sighed as all my muscles tensed in seconds and my body trembled as the footsteps came to an end beside me. 

"Get up!" he snapped as he kicked my side and i could instantly feel the pain but tried to block it out as i moved like a zombie onto my feet.

"good girl. now, lets go home" he added as he began walking towards the door but growled with anger when i didnt make a movement to follw him. i didnt want to go away, then that would mean id never be able to see ethen again... i know ive told myself to let him be but i dont think i could go on without even seeing a glimpse of him for the rest of my lfe.

"do as i say!" a voice roared as a hand gripped tightly around my throat and threw me across the room into a a glass coffee table shattering it to peices, shards of glass peirced my skin and he stormed towards me as fast as he could without stumbling over his own feet. instinctively i crawled away from him which only helped to build up his anger. he grabbed a large candle stick holder made from wood and smashed it against the side of my forehead, snapping it in half before dragging me upstairs by my shirt and pinning my arms above my head on a bed in the spare room with only one hand as he grabbed a pillow with the other and held it against my face making it difficault to breathe in air. i thrashed against his grip so i could break free and gasp in precious air.

right then my phone rang from in my pocket and the pillow was thankfully removed and i gasped before taking in quick breaths regaining oxygen. "whos this!" demanded ben over the phone and instantly my eyes shot wide open. he was on my phone.

"oh, well isnt this sweet. lover boy wants to speak to his girlfriend. well guess what buddy, if i cant have her love than neither can you!" he snapped and i let out a loud whimper accidently as he tightened his grip around my wrists and twists them into an uncomfortable position.

"say bye bye" he chuckled before he threw the phone halway across the room then dragged me out of the room and kicked me in the ribs, sending me tumblind down the stairs and then crashing into the wall at the bottom making a hole in the pale wall.

he chuckled as he made his way down and i crawled towards the front door to get away from the house before ethen got here. she couldnt be here with ben when he came, she couldnt let ben find out who ethen was!. ben stood before her with a large pocket knife in his right hand.

she gasped from the sudden contact of cold metal peircing through her skin and sending pain through her right shoulder as it was removed and then peirced her skin once again but further to the left this time. an evil grin crossed his face as she attampted to kick him away in which half worked as he dropped her.

he stepped on her ankle applying his whole body weight to it which was alot compared to her small fragile body. as he was about to continue throughing her body around like a ragged doll, a fist smashed across bens face out of the blue just as he was about to pick her up by the throat once again.

a loud thump echoed through the room as she lifted her gaze to where ethen stood pinning ben against a wall as he shook with violence. but he didnt attack him, he just held him there and ben began to chuckle evily.

"come on lad, hit me!" yelled ben in his face.

ethen said nothing as his grip on bens shirt tightened.

"be a man!" ben yelled again making me jump at how loud he was.

"a real man doesnt hit a women!" ethen snapped back at him with so much venom behind his voice i didnt think it was possible.

ben pushed ethen away as he stood his ground and growled animalisticaly at ethen. i attempted to make a move to stand but i was too drained to even move a muscle.

ben pulled out a gun from a pocket insde of his red jacket and aimed it at ethen whom didnt even flinch. 

a smile flickered over his emotionless face as he moved it to the left and aimed it at me. with a click he put the bullet into place, and my eyes widened. "run ethen" was all i could manage to squeek out before the sound of a bullet being fired echoed through the room and a pain i had never experienced before shot through my chest before black clouds consumed me. but just before i was thoughtlees, deaf, and blind. i heard a second bullet being shot. ethen... 

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