Chapter two

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As we walked into a small cafe I was surprised to see that everyone else was also dressed in casual clothes as the place looked like it was some fancy and expensive place where only rich stuck up snobs would attend. we walked into a private booth and sat down. he sat there staring at me for the first minute until I broke the silence, "so, why did you want to have coffee with me so badly?" I asked as I pulled my hair up into a messy bun. "I take interest in you" he replied simply.

"Don't you think that's a little bit creepy" I replied sarcastically yet truthfully.

"Not at all. it's not like I'm stalking you or anything like that." He said sitting up straight.

"Well, you did know where my second job was." i stated with a raised eyebrow.

"Your friend, Andrea I believe her name was, told me. that's not stalking, besides I could have just been there like any normal person to get some rope"

"Your a billionare, ethen. if you wanted some rope you'd send one of your little minions out to get it for you."

"I felt like going out for a stroll"

"To a hardware store?"


I dropped the subject as I knew it wasn't going anywhere.

"So you work at the hardware store until midnight?" he asked not sure I was telling the truth.

"No. I finish at five then go to work at the service station." I replied.

"So you have three jobs everyday" he said in disbelief.

"It's not that bad" I replied as a waitress walked in with two black coffees.

" You could work for me as my secretary. I assure you the pay would at least double all your payment put together."

"I love the jobs I'm doing now. I wouldn't suit working for you, or rather I wouldn't enjoy it. let me put it this way, id rather be homeless than serve as your minion." I replied before taking a sip of my coffee and looking at him to see his reaction. his face was the same as before and I had expected what he said next. "I agree"

It was actually nice having a break for a change. actually now that I came to think about it, why am I taking a break?.

"How did you convince my boss to let me have a break?" I asked as he rested his head on his hands as he put his elbows on the table between us.

"Money always seems to win people off" he replied smirking in which only seemed to make me angry, I should have known. "everyone but you" he added just before I stood up.

"That's right. people who through their money around like its nothing, especially for some girl they don't even know, angers me. how much was it?" I asked as he leant back in the red leather chair growing amused at my sudden change of behaviour.

"Three thousand and five hundred" he said as if it was nothing then looked at the seat then back up to me to tell me to sit down again.

"Well, thank you for the coffee but I have to get back to work."i said as i placed some money on the table before I stormed out of the cafe and began walking down the street as he had driven me here.

When I finally made it back to work I tried convincing my boss to return the money and I'd work extra hours for the rest of the week. but he kept on saying that a deal is a deal and to go away before he fired me. so I went to the service station and started work early asking for extra hours so I could pay ethen back the three thousand and five hundred.

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