Chapter eight

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the cold night was quiet, i didnt like it. normally when things were quiet something would go wrong...

i limped along the side pathway until i reached the front of my house and cautiously walked inside half expecting ben to be there but to my luck he wasnt.

i locked all the doors and windows then plonked down onto my bed and instantly i thought about how rude i was to ethen, i mean he was only trying to help. maybe hes a nice person afterall...

no, i cant think that. thats what i thought with ben when i first met him and look how amazing that turned out to be. hes just like the rest of them, he has to be...

hes just being this nice so he can try and bring me down, well sadly for him it wont work!. but, i do have to admit that he is incredably handsome. what?, no!. no, no, no!.

and with that i trailed off into a dreamless sleep and woke to the sound of my door slamming. instantly i jumped up and backed off into the corner of the room with my heart racing inside of my chest.

when ethen appeared at my door my muscles relaxed and i let out a sigh of relief that it wasnt who i thought it was, ben.

"ever heard of knocking?" i asked as i stood up and brushed myself off.

"i was knocking for half an hour, calling your mobile and house phone, and i even tried your back door and went to your work" he replied as he seemed worried but i knew it was all an act.

"i was sleeping" i replied simply as he raised an eyebrow at me. "what's wrong?" he asked shocking me. 


"dont lie to me"

"im not"

"you are rose. what is it?"

"forget it"


"its none of your bussiness. now leave, before the paparazzi find you" and ben...

"you think i care if they know im here, and no way in hell im leaving when last time you were here alone you were attacked"

with that i sighed mentally and ran my fingers through my long hair. "your annoying, you know that?" i stated and that smirk of his appeared on his face.

"good." he replied as he looked me up and down making me remember i was still in my pj shorts and a singlet. 

"well what else did you expect me to be wearing when you barge into my house in the morning and scare the hell out of me" i stated as i stood up and walked past him, making sure that my shoulder brushed against his flash suit.

"something that was a little more revealing" he called out behind me and i rolled my eyes as he chuckled at himself.

i froze before jumping up onto the wooden table and screamed my head off before ethen raced into the room and looked at me with a confused expression.

i pointed at the mouse scrawling across the rooms floor and he began laughing at my reaction to seeing a mouse. 

"ethen!, its not funny. get it out!" i yelled and he rolled his eyes at me and went over to it, picked it up by its tale and placed it outside as if it was nothing before shutting the door so i stayed out. i sighed as i sat down with my legs hanging off the side of the table and he walked over to me with a smirk and raised eyebrows.

"long story" was all i said as my fear of mice began when i was little and my brother would chase me around the house with them and pull horrible pranks like putting them in my bed and more.

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