chapter twelve

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WARNING: this is going to be turned into a supernatural novel.

i nodded slightly in reply as i was absolutely stunned by his looks. his eyes were dark and mysterious with a spark of wonder in them as his dark chocolate brown hair was brushed back allowing his high cheeck bones to become a main feature along with his strawberry lips.

"wheres ethen?" i asked softly as i took a small step backwards and looked away from his mezmorizing features and down to the brown rug on the floor.

"hes... out. theres no need to feel threatened, i am no threat towards you"he stated as he slowly lifted my head up by the chin so i would meet his strong and firm gaze.

"my, my. now i understand why he did what he did. you are a precious little thing after all" he said taking note to himself.

i stiffened my glare then took a step back into a firm chest. i gasped from the sudden presence of another person and turned around as fast as i could in my condition to see that no one was there. 

loud footsteps stormed up the hallway and i looked at the man behind me in the suit as he stood there with a smirk on his face. "dont worry, you know this person" he stated with a small wink at the end before he turned around and helped himself to another serving of alcohol. "where is--!" snapped a farmiliar voice but stopped mid sentence as they cut themself off.

"rose" said a gentle and worried voice as i turned around to see ethen walking towards me, embracing me in his arms before i could even move a muscle.

"are you okay?" i asked before he loosened his grip allowing just enough room between us for him to see my face. i was unable to hear his responce to my question that i was dying to ask him from the second i awoke as my knees collapsed from beneath me and everything was black, as if the lights were turned off. everyone and everything had vanished around me and i was alone in this unknowing place. where was i, where did ethen go?. 

"hello?" i called out hearing nothing but the echo of my own voice. the air smelt as if it was almost like, clay and eathy, as if i was underground.

i took a step forward and could feel mud squish beneath my feet as i slowly reached out into the emptiness hoping to feel something to get an aidea of where i was. out of nowhere fingertips slightly brushed against my shoulder causing my heart to freeze and my eyes widened. 

"whos there?" i whispered just before my hair was blown to one side by a small gush of wind. 

"stop this!" i demanded as a small chuckle came from behind me and quickly i spun around before being pushed backwards. as i went to take a step behind me to stable myself, the ground was no longer there.

i screamed, i screamed out someones name. but it wasnt ethens... i've never even heard the name before.i called out there name hoping they would come to my rescue and save me. why had i called out this name?, shouldnt i have called out ethens name?. but i didnt, i called out the name zerek...

a water like substance molded around my body before i took my last gasp of air. for some reason, i didnt struggle to resurface, i just alowed myself to be pulled deeper and deeper.

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