Chapter six

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we stood there arguing for what seemed to be hours until i was exhausted and fainted, but before i hit the ground ethen caught me in his arms and he called out my name.

I woke up in a white room on a stiff bed. I looked around and gasped when I saw that I was in a hospital room. "no" I said to myself softly as memories flashed back in my head and I sat up quickly which was the biggest mistake of my life as my head hurt and quickly I laid back down squeezing my eyes shut.

"Rose, it's ok" said ethens voice soothingly as I felt a warm hand softly cup my cheek. "I can't be here" I said as I opened my eyes. "why?, what's wrong?" he asked as I saw more flashbacks of my mother dying in here after going insane and impaling herself with a knife sharpening stick, of my father committing suicide in the hospital bathroom, and of my brother dying when his heart failed to work properly.

"Please ethen, please just get me out of here" I begged as a warm tear rolled down my cheek and he slowly wiped it away with his thumb.

"I can't, they're helping you here rose." he said and I shook my head in disagreement. "I'll die here. I have to get out of here" I said as I sat up again but this time slowly.

"Please ethen" I begged as i began freaking out more by the second and he looked hesitant. "fine" he said at last then pulled out the cords attached to me gently and picked me up bridal style before carrying me to his car.

Instead of taking me home, he took me to what I guessed was his place in which was more like a mansion and laid me down in a bed in a room in which looked farmiliar to the hospital room but much more fancy. i relaxed slightly as it was better than being in an actual hospital.

"better?" he asked softly as a lady in a maids uniform gracefully walked into the room and began attaching cords to me.

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