Chapter 8

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"Why the hell are you here?!" I yelled pointing at him. Mom over there in the background looking shook, that I just really wanted to laugh at but I can't. I'm mad and confused. I don't like them when they happen at the same it.

"It's my house idiot. The real question is why are you here?" Sasuke said walking up to me getting close to my face. I leaned back on my left foot and started to bounce well tapping my right foot, crossing my arms. Sasuke stared me down but he doesn't look mad or annoyed. It's like he making fun of me but at the same time I can't tell and it's pissing me off.

"Don't call me an idiot, Dumb a-!" I said loudly but not yelling because I didn't want to be rude to Mrs. Mikoto. But I couldn't get a chance to finish my sentence because mom had cut me off.

"Wow wow OK calm down. Hello Sasuke. How you been? I haven't seen you scene you was like what? Below my hip. Look how big you got."  Mom was saying putting her hand over my mouth well pushing me to one of the couches they have in their giant living room.

"(Y/n) if you be nice and act like you are having fun, I'll sign you up for a fighting and (favorite sport) club." Mom whispered in my ear quickly as she forcefully pushed me on the couch. My eye widen so big, that it shut me right up.

"Oh Sasuke, your hair got so big too. Like a giant duck's rear end." Mom say letting go of me and started walking towards Sasuke, giving him a big smile. Sasuke's face was priceless for sec before putting on a fake smile. I couldn't help but laugh. Mom had also called Sasuke's hair a Duck Butt.

"Haha. Mom said your hair looks like an ass." I said between laugh, but stop when mom and Sasuke shot me a glare.

"Sorry." I say turning around.

"Well thank you Ms.(M/n), it have been a long time since I seen you and the girl over there. " Sasuke says putting his hands in his pockets.

I turned my head putting my arm on top of the couch so I'll be able to hold myself well I looked at everyone else in the room. I see my mom, Mrs. Mikoto, Duckass and some dude that must be Duckass's older brother. He was tall and looks a lot like Sasuke but older of course,  his hair is flat down and he looks tired. I guess that's just how his face is, he cute can't lie, but sadly I believe the duck looks better though. I looked at the older brother than at Sasuke they are dressed classie but at the same time lazy. Both had a button up shirt and khaki joggers on. Mrs. Mikoto looks.... well like a stay at home mom. She was dressed  nice but at the same time she does look like a maid.

"I have a name it's (y/n) don't call me girl, Kid." I said rolling my eyes turning around to face their humongous TV before mubbling about him looking like a duck. And I guess Ms. Mikoto  had hared cause she said.

"Well at least she still calls him a duck like old times." She says smiling.

"So when does Kushina comes?" Mom asks changing the subject. As her and Mrs. Mikoto walked to the kitchen and Sasuke and the boy I don't know the name of come and sits by me.

"So how you been (nickname)?" The strange man asked sitting the closest to me on the couch. (A/n if you don't have one, make one that's goofy)

"How the hell do you know that's my nickname?" I asked shocked and confused, mom and dad was the only people that had called me that as I know of.

"You really don't remember me. I was like your older brother. When you was little. You would go to the park with Sasuke and I all the time and when you'll sleep over you would literally will not sleep if me or Sasuke was not sleeping with you. And plus who do you think gave you that name? (N/n)." He says smiling.

"Well I don't remember you. So can you tell me your name?" I asked moving my legs up on the couch sitting  criss cross applesauce. Putting my elbows on my knees and put my head in the cup of hands.

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