Chapter 16

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(y/n) pov

"So who we going to talk to?" I asked once I was done laughing, putting my head on his back to get my breathing​ to calm down from laughing so hard it made people around us look at me strange.

"Get your head off of me and we're going to talk to Gai." Susake said hitting me with his elbow to get me off.

"Oh the weird gym teacher. He seems cool." I said getting off looking up at Sasuke.

"He's annoying."

"I could see that. But if he gets me the job than I won't care." I said stopping at a door.

"Alright shut up, so I can do the talking." Sasuke say just busting into the door without knocking and made us see Gai and Kakashi fighting.

"Um... Hello" I said awkward, making them stop and looked at us shocked.

"Oh Sasuke and.... Um Sonya?" Kakashi Sensei said and he totally forgotten my name.

"It's (Y/n) sir. It's nice to see you." I said annoyed, rolling my eyes.

"(Y/n)!! My new youth student!" Gai yelled popping in front of Sasuke and I with that same huge grin he had when we first met. 

"What do you guys want?" Kakashi asked coming in front of us.

"(Y/n) wants​ a job. Her and her mother is having money problems​ and (y/n) wants to start help pay bills. Sasuke say crossing his arms.

"My new youth want a job! You are so lucky a new spot just opened." Gai yelled going to the desk that was in the room grabbing papers.

'Well that was easy.' I thought with a sweat drop. They didn't even ask what I can do or any questions.

"Oh yeah the yoga and boxing teacher quit today... So I guess you can have that. I really don't feel like to look for new people." Kakashi said putting his hand on top of my head, making me give him a death glare that I really didn't mean to do, which he saw and I felt a little bad. Kakashi awkward smiled quickly taking his hand off of me and quickly stepped back.

"Well here's your schedule you'll work 3 times a week at the most and whenever you don't tech a class you'll help Sasuke because you guys seem to be close I guess because you are with him at 1 in the afternoon on a Sunday, and clean the machines." Kakashi said snatching the papers from Gai and hand them to me.

"Thank you so much. Kakashi and Gai. I'm so happy to be working with you guys." I smiled taking the papers and hand them to Sasuke to hold. Which I thought he was going to make a big deal about but he didn't. He just looked down and took the papers and held them neatly. Aww what a mean gentleman.

"Yes my new youth! You will love this job. And we'll love working together!" Gai yelled hugging me.

"Um can you please get off of me. I don't like being touched." Gai quickly let go of me and touched my head.

"I'm sorry I'm just so excited to have a new youth working with us!"

"Yep I'm excited too, but Sasuke and I really need to get going, we have to go and meet up with Naruto." I said akward grabbing Sasuke arm slowly walking backwards.

"We'll see you tomorrow guys."
"Bye students!" Kakashi and Gai said as Sasuke and I waved goodbye, quickly leaving the room. I don't know if it was just me but that was akward. I'm a person that every room I walk into it just feels so awkward. It must be me that makes it that way, and I don't know how I do that I don't try.

Sasuke and I made it to the car getting in the second I sat down Sasuke throw my papers at me making it go everywhere.

"Aw you dick head!" I said picking them up around the car. "I knew you were still an asshole." I frowned looking at him, my face in his. Sasuke crossed his arms looking back at me with a serious face, frowning back. Sasuke and I had a good minute stare off, none of us blinked or looked away from each other.

'i never realized how freaking pretty his eyes are.' I thought making my cheeks hurt from not trying to blush.

Sasuke and I continued our little staring contest. None of us stopped until a knocked on Sasuke's window broke us. Our heads snapped towards the window to see Kakashi looking through. I leaned over Sasuke and rolled down the window.

"Can I help you Kakashi?" I said a little annoyed, moving back so I wasn't in Sasuke's space anymore.

"Just came to check on you guys. You two was starting at each other for a good five minutes, and I didn't want any funny business going on in my parking lot." Kakashi laughed, making me look at him strange.

"Funny business?" I said out loud confused. I turned my head looking out of my window until it popped in my head. "Oh you nasty old man, you reading to much Icha Icha!" I yelled snaping my head towards him making Sasuke chuckled. By the chuckled he made you could tell he was trying to hold it back.

"Ok Sensei we going to go now we'll see you in class tomorrow." Sasuke said rolling his window up putting on his seat belt as did I.

"Don't have to much fun."  Kakashi waved backing away from the car making me roll my eyes.

"Pervert." I mumbled.

Well I'm sorry if that sucked. 😓😓😫😪😭😭😭

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