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FRANK MADE ME SWEAR ON THE STYX that today I'd get some time off the legion. He insisted that I had done enough and deserved some rest. He was probably right, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction either. It was winter, so Camp Jupiter was taking a break too, only to start training again in a few weeks, as soon as the weather settled.

The snowflakes billowed through the air, like frail crystals. One fell on my hand. It quickly started melting, leaving a little humidity. A smile tugged at my lips—I liked snow. It reminded me of being with Hylla, my sister, in the garden of our house in Puerto Rico. Back then it was very simple. Then our father started going nuts and... a tear fell on my cheek.

I furiously wiped it away. I couldn't afford to be like this every time I thought about my past. We all have our ghosts. I should restrain mine.

Anyways, it was very long ago. More than sixty years. Circe's island left its mark—keeping me frozen in time, leaving my brain to puzzle over the twenty first century. All the technology was weird, at first, but then I adapted to it. Fortunately I wasn't the only one—Hazel and Nico had the same experience. Sometimes we would find ourselves arguing over the date of the first FIFA world cup. We settled it looking it up on the internet—13th July 1930.


I started heading out the borders: staying at camp wasn't really an option—the few friends I did have were... well, wherever they were. Probably Frank was busy, Hazel by his side. I didn't know if I managed being around Percy or Jason without resenting them, and this applied to Annabeth and Piper too. Leo was impossible—I didn't know how Calypso could do it. If staying several millennia on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere hadn't driven her mad, that guy would have by now. I didn't need depressing advice from Nico or depressingly sunny advice from Will. Hedge was busy with his kid. That left... me.

I hoped monsters would take pity and leave me alone, for this once. No such luck.

There it was: a freaking hydra in the middle of the park. Suddenly I wished to have Leo along, some fire could certainly come in handy. I walked as quickly as I could, searching for the element I could not wield. I spotted a small household shop—but changed direction when I saw the science museum. Suddenly an idea deem of Athena formed in my head. If the plan worked I could easily get away with it—but if it didn't... let's not think about the consequences.

I stormed in the lobby at such speed I got several shouts from the cash girl. I didn't care. On the wall was hung a life size periodic table. Most of the real elements were there. I took out my dagger and dug out the square with Mg written on it, carefully so that no air would come in and spontaneously combust the Magnesium. Bless Annabeth who insisted in teaching me some chemistry.

I broke a small piece of Lithium's square and reminded myself that it was toxic, so I covered my nose with my purple t-shirt. I also recalled the fact that Potassium reacted violently with water, but could also if I touched it with my damp hands. I kept well away from it. Calcium shouldn't be dangerous, though.

I started running back to the park when the whole periodic table smashed on the floor. I hoped that there weren't any too dangerous elements, but again, that wasn't exactly my first priority. A very large, very angry Hydra was staring down at me. A terrified demigod (probably) was running away from it. Fortunately the bruised guy hadn't found any celestial bronze weapons and so the hydra had only one head. This made my work a bit easier.

I charged the monster and caught it's attention immediately. I leapt on a lobby armchair and made sure to push the 'upright' button. Suddenly I shot in the sky. I wondered what someone watching would think. A kid in full roman battle armor with an SPQR t-shirt sailing through the air with stolen Magnesium. What gave her leverage was a fluffy recliner she'd stabbed with a knife. This girl was about to be eaten whole by a grown Hydra.

I came to my senses and threw the Magnesium in the damned monster's mouth. I hoped it would get crushed in the throat or something. The next thing which happened, I was not sure of. I curled in a ball, hoping to survive the fall and/or the explosion. There were very loud BOOMs and then I hit the floor unconscious.



All right dummies,

Happy cliffhanger day!!! MWAHAHAHAHA I'm so evil! Okay, enough.

This was my first chapter in my first book on wattpad (except for the poem one, though I don't suppose you could classify that as a book) so I excuse myself if there were any mistakes/typos/general stuff I got wrong. I don't mind if you correct me :-)

The next part is coming out the 30th, which, by the way, is next Friday. We'll see the story in the eyes of the chased demigod, and hopefully discover if Reyna survives (though it's quite predictable). 

Question of the week: What do you think happens if I completely destroy a periodic table with every single stable element that there is inside it and then expose it to fire? It ain't pretty...






Stay tuned!

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