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AFTER THE MY LITTLE BREAK DOWN, I took him to camp. We agreed to never speak of it. Whatever happened outside Target was going to stay there.

I took him around new Rome for a bit, zigzagging through the decumanus and the cardius, across the Tiber and to the archery range. He was amazed by every single building and couldn't stop saying ooh and aah. He seemed to dislike archery, which proved my theory about his parentage wrong. I thought he was a child of Helios, but apparently he wasn't.

"Are you okay?" Hazel asked. She was coming our way.

"I guess"

"Is this a new recruit?"

"Yeah. Alex, meet Hazel. Hazel, meet Alex."

"She saved my life," He said.

"What happened?"

"A Hydra was coming for me and she threw magnesium in its mouth. And then the science museum exploded" I blushed slightly, hoping no one saw.

"Okay. I don't understand the part with the magnesium but never mind"

"Hazel... could you do me a favor?"


"Can you take Alex to see his auguries? I'd rather not do that myself because I don't want to pressure Philip, who has only recently taken Octavian's role. I trust that you'll show him New Rome some more, as I haven't had the pleasure do so myself," I asked in Latin, knowing that Alex wouldn't understand most of it.

"Yes. At what time do you want him back?"

"No matter, take him to the assembling of the cohorts"

"Would you like for me to vouch for him?"

"If you find him worthy," I said. I never talked to anyone in an old fashioned way, except with Hazel.

"Um... what are you two saying?"

"Nothing. Alex, Hazel will take you from here," I nodded towards her, "See you at dinner"



Okay, this was way too short... Alas, I have too many ideas and I'm writing another book, which I probably won't put on wattpad, one called 'letters to no one', which is not yet on, a guide to fanfiction, although it's at a very early stage, and a supergiganticlylong essay on utopian worlds. I'm not accepting any grade less than the best on that one.






Stay tuned! 

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