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WE BOTH NEEDED TO CLEAN UP and throw on some decent clothes. Mine had been burnt to crisp and my t-shirt was more holes than fabric. Alex had wisely taken off my armor to carry me, so I made a mental note to get a new one as soon as we came to camp. We were at Target, the secret hideout for Demigods. Monsters somehow couldn't get around that place, but we couldn't too, at least it gave us extra cover. I was hoping for the latter.

I had twelve denarii, five drachmas and twenty dollars. The twenty first century gave you the possibility of paying with your phone, but not yet with classic—age currency, so we had to get clothing and food with what dollars we had. I got two pairs of jeans with matching shirts, while Alex went on the hunt for cheeseburgers. We agreed to meet outside Target by five p.m.


"Took you long enough," I remarked.

"Sorry but the waitress didn't understand the order and then she asked me to repeat it but I kinda got distracted and did it wrong so I canceled but the clerk—"

"Whatever," I interrupted him and attacked my cheeseburger. He did the same.

"So... uh, what have you been up to?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What do you do every day?"


"That's it?"

"Yup. That's what everyone does. What you will be doing"

"Cool," Alex said, trying to put enthusiasm in his voice. His effort miserably failed, so he changed subject, "Will you gut me if I asked a slightly personal question?"


"What's your surname?"

"Why do you want to know?" I couldn't hide the bitterness in my voice. Anything that belonged to my past stayed there. I was too scared to come meet it again.

"Well, you know mine"

"My surname isn't important to you or to anyone else"

"Um... sorry"

"No need to be," I tried reassuring him, "It's just... let's not talk about it. It's kind of a sore subject"

"I understand"

"You don't. You don't know what it's like to come out after so much time—to come out from the shade and discover how many things have changed. You don't know how it feels to not belong anywhere, like everyone around you is on the same page and you're a thousand back. You don't know what it's like to be here and now but not know how you came to that point. You don't know. You have no idea," I spat. I had never lost my cool so badly, but somehow it felt nice to let it all out. To let all those confusing things spill, along with my tears.

I leaned on Alex's shoulder and cried. He didn't seem to mind, so I continued until my eyes were raw. All the time he kept his arm wrapped securely around me, and for once I felt like being home. I had never given anyone so much trust, not even Jason, not even Hylla.

When I finished, he whispered, "You're right. I don't understand. You don't have to share anything with me if you don't feel like it. I can't blame you for that."

"Thanks," I managed




All right dummies,

I hope this chapter was decent even though it's barely 400 words. I'm writing the Author's note on my phone waiting for the bus, and I'm freezing, but it doesn't matter 'cause IT'S SNOWING!!! IT'S FREAKIN' SNOWING, and I love snow. It's just a small layer, but at least it's snow.

Whatever else... yup, right. I've already said this, but whatever I'll say it again. I've written a letter to love, you can find it by clicking on my profile. Also, I've tried to write a diary in Italian, and I have pretty much failed miserably




Stay tuned!

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