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I GAVE UP TRYING TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM AND MOVED BESIDE HIM. His hand met mine and they intertwined. He gave it a gentle squeeze, as if saying, it's all right. You're with me. I'll protect you. There's nothing to worry about. My heart skipped a beat when he slipped an arm under my legs and one around my waist, hoisting me on his lap. I inhaled sharply. After a few seconds I got accustomed to the position and leaned in the crook of his neck, closing my eyes. I didn't know I needed to lean on him until this moment.

After a few minutes I realized that he was glowing once more, this time more discreetly, making sure to not wake anybody up with the light. He was floating while carrying me bridal-style. It was weird, but in some way nice too.

"How are you feeling?" He whispered. I just smiled.

"Déjà vu" Alex simply chuckled. He righted me, holding me by my waist. "I didn't know..." I said.


"I didn't know you were alone"

"Not anymore"

"Everyone's alone in some way, at least"

He stared into my eyes, "I'm alone in one way less, then"

"I think that sometimes we're afraid of ourselves... afraid to show what we really feel, what we really are. I've got lots to hide, and equally as much that I should show. But I don't, because I have to be stable for the legion's sake. I lend them my strength; I lend them part of me. They don't notice, yet I do. It's hard, I guess" Thankfully he didn't ask me about my abilities. I wasn't in the mood to talk about them.

His hand stretched towards my face and tucked a strand of hair away from my face. I studied the pavement and simply held on tighter to him, afraid that the gap between us would be too much to bear. Somehow, that moment felt perfect. Even if it should have been wrong. I never imagined being attracted with someone other than Jason, even after all that happened... he broke my heart. He chose the Piper girl, after all. And, left in the dust, I learnt to cope with it. I learnt to push tears aside and concentrate on the moment, on the problem at hand. But being this close to Alex was hard. It made me rethink about the past. Part of me wanted to run away. The other part wanted to kiss him.

Once more, his hands met mine. He pulled me at his same height. After all, Alex was half a foot taller than me. I closed my eyes and let myself tumble in his embrace. I knew I shouldn't, but it was too hard to resist. Whatever happened next was hard to describe, because I wasn't fully conscious of my action. Later I could have regretted them, but at the moment I didn't care. Because I felt myself once more. I closed my eyes and our lips met.


"Sorry," He whispered in my ear. Alex's breath was warm and tickled my neck, just below the jawline. "I shouldn't have made this harder for you"

"It's not harder. It's... new"

"Yeah, I guess"

"We're not alone".



Okay, so this is the last chapter. It's been a ten week long journey, and I thoroughly enjoyed every single second of it. Many people say that the secret of a happy life is to have more beginnings than endings, although I'm not sure if I can confidently agree. I could stay here all day deciphering the meaning of life, yet nobody finds pleasure in such a conversation, or so I think. 

I COULD conclude saying that there'll be a sequel, but this book – as I've said before – was meant to be an ending, not another adventure for HoO characters. It may have bothered you that it was too short, in that case all I can do is apologize and hope that although it wasn't any close to a normal fanfiction in length, you liked it nevertheless.

The prologue and epilogue shall be posted before tomorrow, and I swear I'll do my best on them.

For the last time,





Stay tuned for extra material which I may add in.

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