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I DIDN'T KNOW WHY I TOLD HIM ABOUT MY PAST. It was my first instinct, what I decided to do without thinking about the consequences. Sure, I trusted him. But I didn't want to put this type of load on his shoulders. He already had his own problems – not to count mine too now. I regretted doing it, but I knew that he wanted to know about my past. After a few moments of silence, he spoke.

"My mom was a well – known doctor. She was very intelligent, and had a natural talent for medicine. I guess that's what attracted my Apollo. They had a wonderful summer together, I guess. Then I was born. Apollo couldn't stick around a lot because of his duties, I mean, driving the sun chariot around was a time consuming job.

My mother wasn't the same after he left, though. She hardly ever stopped working on the newest technology. She said that the world needed help; I told her that I needed it too. She said that kids in poor countries didn't even have medicine while I did. She even forgot to give me an education besides how to cure this and how to cure that. I didn't exactly resent her for it, but I wanted to be around kids my age, not machinery and computers all day long. When I was around seven, mother stopped speaking to me, or acknowledging my presence. I didn't know what had gotten to her. She continued working on her projects and refrained from giving me lectures about medicine every fifteen seconds.

So I started exploring the outside. Apparently, she didn't mind me going out at night and sneaking back at morning. She didn't even question me. I went and did what you saw in the arena. Once, Apollo came to pay a visit, at the exact time I was doing it. He gave me the sword, Lex. It means, as you probably know, law. But it's also the last three letters of my name. After that I practiced gutting teddy bears (A/N: Octavian reference) with it.

When the Hydra started following me, I was unprepared. It was the first time a big monster had actually come after me. Usually it was small, almost innocent ones. I panicked, so I ran. Then you came with Magnesium. I'm guessing you know what happened after that"

"Alex, do you want to Iris message your mother?" I said.

"Is it like... the classic age WhatsApp?"

"No, it's more like skype"

"Um, maybe not. I don't think I want to see her again."

"I get it"

"You do?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't want to see my father again either, so..." I trailed off, unsure of what to say. Apparently, there was nothing to be said. We remained in a comfortable silence. No words were needed, at least, not yet. I had the weirdest urge to scoot closer to him. Staying in his warm 'halo' was reassuring. Although I couldn't, because I liked him, and he didn't like me back.



Yesterday I really had NO TIME so I'll post the update today.

So, I have two news, a GOOD one and a bad one. From which one do I start? The good one. Okay, we've reached 133 views! Ohmygod, that's amazeballs!!! I started off with barely 3 :-)

While the less amazeballs part is that this fanfiction was never meant to be longer than 10 chapters. This means that the next one the the last. Okay, sorry, I know. After next week I'll be pratically re-writing the WHOLE thing, correcting, etc. Also, I may add in an epilogue, better stay tuned, then!




Other stuff

Stay tuned!

We're not Alone (Reyna fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ