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I WOKE WITH A DAGGER POINTED at my throat. This was just getting better by the second. The girl had a serious expression painted on her face, along with a need to skewer the guy sitting in front of her.

"Who are you?" She said, and dug her weapon further.

"I thought I disarmed you. Is that the same dagger?"

"Yes. Hiding it behind your back isn't particularly strategic. Now answer my question,"

"What do you know about strategies?"

"Who. Are. You?" She grit through her teeth every word as if it was the last one of the sentence.

"Fine. I'm Alex" This seemed to reassure her. She sat down cross legged, a smirk on her face. For the first time I could see her properly, she had slightly curly auburn hair and hazel eyes. (A/N too lazy to describe her)

"I am Reyna. Now you may explain everything that happened after I threw chemical matter in the Hydra's mouth, up until now" The-girl-who-now-had-a-name said. I didn't want to end up like the thing she called Hydra, so I explained everything she wanted to know. When I'd finished with my tale Reyna wasn't finished with her questions yet.

"How did you know how to use nectar and ambrosia?"

"What's that?"

"The stuff you gave me," Reyna said, rolling her eyes.

"Dunno. Gut feeling"

"Great, then. I'm lucky I didn't turn to dust"

"WHY?!" I asked in disbelief.

"It's the food of the gods so if you eat or drink too--"

"GODS?!" I interrupted her.

"Yes. Now chill and let me start from the beginning, because apparently no one told you yet," Then she started explaining how the Roman and Greek (note the order) gods were still alive and how we—demigods—were their children. Monsters (yes, like the Hydra. Can I go on?) hunted us down and our job was to kill them while keeping the world in a decent shape and fending off the occasional titan or giant that was on duty (the everyday life of a demigod). There were two demigod training camps—before there had been a conflict but she didn't want to share anything, so I let it drop.

I simply couldn't believe the whole thing—but somehow I knew she was right and anyway this was the way things were, indifferently to my preferences or opinions.

"Now that your questions have been answered, you may answer mine," Said Reyna.


"Who is your mother?"

"Nathalie Claythorne"

"Your father?"

"I don't know," She seemed to dwell on that.

"Has your mother ever said anything about him?"

"Yes," I said and Reyna rolled her eyes.


"He was different."

"That doesn't help"

"That's all I know"

"Has she ever described him?"

"Why would you want to know all this?"

"Because," She said in an annoyed tone, "It is important"

"In what way it is important?"

"Let's just say... we've had a not-so-nice-prophecy... which means trouble... and if you were the enemy... we'd like to know before it is too late... to... minimize peril to Camp Jupiter," She said every word carefully, choosing the ones most appropriate.

"Why should I be an enemy?"

"That, I don't know"

"I'll answer your question. She has never described him, but has mentioned his hair color, like mine," I said, pointing at my blonde hair.

"I see"

"What do you see?"

"I think I know who your godly parent could be"


Reyna grimaced, "I'd rather not take any shots in the dark on this matter," I decided to let it drop, for my, er, health. Her dagger was too close to her hand and I didn't fully trust her yet. She might decide all at once that gutting a guy could be fun.

"The demigod training camps," I said, trying to focus on a something I could understand, "What's the difference?"

"Camp half-blood was mainly for the Greeks, and Camp Jupiter of the Romans. After the war the kind of mixed so... you can go freely from one another and choose where to train. In the Roman camp we train as a legion, while the Greek camp as... more of an individual," There it was again, the war. I gathered the courage to ask her about it.

Her response was thick, as if she was only saying what happened on the surface—what someone watching would see. "Gaia, the earth mother, woke, and wanted to take over the world and chain the gods in Tartarus... we had to, you know, stop her"

"Um... Okay"

"Yeah, it wasn't the best of times"

"In which camp are you in?"


"Most of the time?"

"Camp Jupiter"

"Is it your... preference?"

"I spend there more time because I cover an important role that requires my presence. I am praetor, with Frank," She said. Her expression told me that maybe—maybe she wanted someone else to be it instead of him. Resent. That's the word.

"Are you taking me there?"


"What if I don't want to come?"

"I'll take you by force if I need to," Said Reyna. The look on her face told me that she would very well drag me there if I didn't collaborate.

"Looks like I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

"You don't. Unless you wanna stay out here and die, but as stupid as you may be, I don't think that's the case"

It took me a second to realize what she said, "Hey!" I exclaimed.

She shook her head and stood up, "We have work to do"



All right dummies,

I'm super excited... wonder why? ONE PERSON COMMENTED ON MY STORY!!! No, I'm not sarcastic. I want for people to comment, even if they say bad things. I need to know what you think, so that I can improve my work (tip: tell me what to improve, makes life easier).

Also, I have a new story... *cue drum roll* LETTER TO LOVE! Yes, I have a thing for writing in capitals. Okay, I typed that one on my phone on new year's eve so there will be typos (do you spell it that way?) and paragraphs in the wrong place, but, whatever. It's a one on one 'conversation' between me and love, as if they were a person.

I was thinking about an imaginary conversation between me and uncle Rick, so if I have the time I'll be writing that up too.

Okay, next time we're gonna have a... um very... embarrassing Reyna moment, so, be prepared!

I'm happy this chapter was longer than usual, and sorry if it takes a week to update. I'm guessing nobody cares, but I do, so whatever. I'm on a tight schedule and I don't want to write on my phone, 'cause it's a synonym of torture. Really, who can write on their phone anyway?

Question of the week: do you belong in camp Jupiter or camp Half-blood?






Stay tuned!

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