Chapter one- Please don't attempt to talk without my hearing aid in.

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This is what really ticks me off, Everytime I go to the hair dressers and I have to take my hearing aid out to wash my hair, The Hair dresser who by the way has known me for years always attempts to speak to me and has a chat with me.

I can't even hear what she says so I just nod politely in all the right places. The most I can actually hear is well everyone talking and I can pick out the odd word I guess but nothing too substantial.

The thing is regardless whether I have my hearing aid in or not I don't always hear what the person or person's is saying so my brain tries desprately to fill in the blanks and the blanks aren't always the right word.

The same thing occurs when I go swimming.. people always trying to muster up conversation when all I hear is pretty much echo's of other people's voices. That sucks a lot especially when I have cerebral palsy too which means I have a weak side and my muscles hurt everyday but I don't think that is the reason why I suck at swimming. 

Every single time I sink literally, I am like the poor version of the titanic, Lifeguards have tried to teach me to swim, swimming teachers have tried to teach me to swim, various stepdad's tried to teach me to swim..Heck even my own mother tried to teach me to swim and they all failed.

But most of all the mould of the hearing aid that sits in my ear can on occasions make my ear so sore that I cannot wear it. Over the years since I found out I was deaf I used to throw my hearing aid away and then cry because I realized it was my lifeline and now it's even more important that it is my lifeline.

I get of course that it is difficult to tell who's deaf and who is actually hearing but the thing is it is easy to tell because the signs are there like for example someone is not actually following your conversation and ends up talking about something else entirely. But we should not judge these people because they are a lot more intelligent than people give them credit for.

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