Chapter 4-How to approach a deaf person

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So here is the thing.. Hearing people, Not all hearing people but some can be hypocrites. like shouting. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING TO YOU?!.

So here is what you need to do.

1) Don't talk slowly but talk normal speed but not too fast so that the deaf person can read you're lips

2) make sure the room you're sitting in is carpeted and low ceiling this allows the sound to be better.

3) Make sure your room is well lit so that the deaf people can see you.

4) Make sure you are sitting in front of the deaf person and make sure you have their attention at all times. Maintain good eye contact.

5) If all else fails write things down, If you have no pen and paper to hand, Text their phones or text a message and hand your phone to them so they can delete your message after they have read that message to reply.

6) Learn basic sign language like finger spelling, It can be annoying having to finger spell every single word when you don't know sign language but if you use all the other techniques I told you about and preserve with this then it will all be worth it in the end.

and finally if you see a deaf person who is either distracted or they are walking down the street and you are shouting their name trying to catch up with them.. Don't do that tap their shoulder gently to start a conversation and don't wave your hands in their face Deaf people hate that.

Here is a Day in the life of a deaf person:

It is in american sign language but the point still stands.

More tips on How to approach a Deaf person :

And finally here is another great video which will answer a few of your questions:

It has cations so just stick the CC ON.

The Rants of a Deaf Person and how to approach them ✔Where stories live. Discover now