Chapter 9-Any questions

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So now that you have read this book, I ask you all do you have any questions or anything you feel like we haven't covered in this book?

If not then perhaps this book is completed. My goal as a writer is to be an insparation and make one person smile one day at a time. If you enjoyed this book feel free to check out my other books for example:

Being deaf (A true story)

Living with a disability

and there are thousands of other stories on my page that I am sure you'd love so please share my books and vote and comment :)

Help a fellow reader and writer out!

I also have a facebook page called Wattpad:A readers delight if you would like me to read you're books and review them I would gladly do that :)

Lastly, the moral of this book is to treat human beings with respect especially deaf people.. Let's not fight everyone as there is enough fighting in the world.



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