Chapter 3- Subtitles

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Subtitles can often be very good, Brilliant in fact but on occasions subtitles can really let good shows don and often put us off from watching anymore.

Live subtitles are difficult but sometimes recorded shows can be just as bad. From watching this documentary below on the show BBC See Hear, I understand that it is difficult to make these subtitles happen but it can be very frustrating for us.

Looking at this video it's a lot like Dragon Naturally speaking is'nt it?. I used that and it was so annoying that I might aswell have stuck to typing. This is what the software I am talking about actually looks like.

When there is no subtitles on a program or movie, It makes me feel left out and I can't sit with family on this occasions. 

I have noticed usually BBC are more reliable with subtitles but can be slow on occasions and when these are slow Itv are more better with their subtitles apart from when the Xfactor is on.

Sky often mislead me by saying there are subtitles on particular films however there isn't any. I know I shouldn't expect subtitles on everything but it's such a shame when you are with family and money is going down the drain on a film without subtitles which the whole family cannot enjoy.. We are in the 21st century now where everything should and must be accessible.

I like how often there are different colours for multiple characters if there are actors on our screens and I like how they have now introduced subtitles at live theatre and a while ago they even taught people to sign for this play called pulse where they are in a hospital it was very good and hosted by derby theatre you can read all about it on facebook. 

I attended the workshops for ideas for a play and I thought there should be something for deaf people and more deaf characters out there.

But here is a few of my friends in rehearsals of that show called Pulse!

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