Chapter 20

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Thanks to KarleyHope and My amazing friend Lauren for giving me some ideas. A lot of drama coming up ;) ahaha hope you guys enjoy. ~M.xx

**Lexis POV**

Idk why but hayes was ignoring me. He's super cute, and I can tell that we would be really cute together. I really thought Mackenzie was ugly. She makes me gag in my mouth. Why would Hayes like her?

I'm just going to ACT like Mack's friend and then get hayes to not like her, and me. Brent told me I have to be good, because he took me here. I've heard about hayes, and honestly, that's the only reason I came to this stupid thing. To win Hayes over.

Mack and Hayes were getting ready for bed. They were sleeping together, which made me really jealous. I just can't make Mackenzie not like me, because then hayes will hate me, and I need to convince her that Hayes was with someone else, or that hayes tried to kiss me. Maybe she'll believe me.

"babe stop," Mack giggled.

I seriously wanted to punch her I'm her nose. Maybe that'll make hayes not love her.

hayes kissed her on the lips, and that made me even more mad.

I ignored it, and just kept thinking of ways to break them up..

I knew something would work, but I don't know what yet...

**Hayes' pov**

Mack eventually fell asleep, so I turned the lamp off, but lexi still had hers on. She was just starring at me. I looked over at make once again to make sure she was asleep.

I was thirsty, so I got up go grab a water bottle.

"I know you want me," Lexi said.

"The problem is, I DONT." I said. She was younger than me. She was rude, and a brat. I bet she's not even great full.

"hayes, every guy in my school does. I know you do too."

"I have a girlfriend, Lexi. It's obvious I don't. I actually don't even like you as a friend. You're too clingy, and dispectful."

She gave me a glare, but I didn't care.

"Okay, hayes, you'll like me shortly."

"Don't dream of it," I mumbled.

I cuddled into Mack, and fell asleep.

**Macks POV**

I woke up, and the bed was crowded. I looked at the clock and it was 6:07 am.

I sat up, despite the fact that I was sweaty, and smelled nasty, and saw Lexi right next to hayes. It didn't bother me, because she was younger, but I was kind of mad that she didn't wake me up and at least to tell me.

I walked to the fridge to grab water, and I got dressed. I don't know if it was because I was sweaty, but my head hurt, and I was dizzy. They told me I could stop taking the medicine when I felt better, and I have been, kind of, but I think I'm just not used to not taking it, so I decided not too. I took the key off the coffee table, and walked over to my sisters room.

I knocked on her door and Nash appeared. He looked like he was hung over, but I didn't care.

"Hi Mack, come in" he said.

I walked in,

"Is my sister up?" I asked

"No, not yet. But she should be asking up shortly, I imagine."

I nodded.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"I just don't feel so good. I think I'm going to go to magcon tomorrow," I admitted.

"Mack, do you wanna go back tithe doctor?"

I shook my head, I didn't.

"I'll just see after Nashville, if I feel okay."

"Okay, well you can stay in here if you want and wait until your sister gets up, I'm going to take a shower"

I nodded and he came over and hugged me and took a shower. I looked around, and there were two girls here. My sister and some other girl, oh, and can't forget Cameron. I imagine it was his girl.

It's been 30 minutes and she wasn't waking up and nash was still in the shower. I decided to walk back over.

When I got in there Lexi was sitting right next to Hayes, watching him sleep.

I just looked at her, it was kind of creepy, actually.

"Hey," I said.

"oh, hi! Sorry I was just feeling Hayes' forehead, he was sweating really bad and yeah"

"Oh? I said.

It was weird, really weird. But I didn't mind.

"Yeah so, why are you getting ready?" She asked me.

Well one, it was 6:37 in the morning and two I don't feel good.

"I'm not feeling the best." I said

She smiled, I just looked away.

Something was fishy going on..

And I'll find out.

I'm sorry, I'm not feeling the best, and I think I'll right the other chapter soon or tomorrow. Thanks for almost 3k reads and 100 votes! The next chapter will be REAL interesting. ~M.xx

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