Chapter 42

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INSTAGRAM FANPAGE: @canyoucameron


**Macks POV**

I woke up. Next to hayes who what starring at me with his blue orbs. I smiled, and kissed his soft peach lips.

"Morning babe." He said. I smiled,

"Morning." I said as my voice was raspy. I checked my phone and the time read 5:42pm. I slept the whole day? I didn't mind. I had 3 texts.

1 from my sister
1 from Lexi
1 from unknown.

I checked my sisters first.

"Hey Mack, we all went to the art museum. It starts at 6pm-9pm.. We left early to get food. If you guys want to come, text us. We probably won't be home until 10:30. We didn't wake you guys up, because we didn't think you guys slept very well. Love you." I smiled and replied "love you too," and looked at the text from Lexi. "Hey, going to the museum. Don't worry. Love you." I smiled, and then looked at the unknown text.

"You're lucky I'm sick today... Was going to give you a surprise visit... Hahaha xoxo" I rolled my eyes and set my phone on my chest.

"So do you wanna go? I kind of want to stay here." Hayes said.

"I don't really want it go either. We never get peace and quite." I said.

Hayes rapped his arm around my waist and we just lay there for a couple minutes. He kissed the top of my head and I look up. Once again looking into is beautiful eyes. I smile.

We just stare into each others eyes. Oh how beautiful he was.

"I love you," he spoke.

"I love you too." I replied.

I could feel us leaning in. Our lips smashed together. I could feel his tongue make an entrance in my mouth, I didn't hesitate. I let him. I joined and we started making out. I had a zoo inside. I felt his hand go lower and lower, until his hand was on my thighs. He was playing with my hair, and finally I was out of breath. We escaped lips and I looked at him. He grabbed my cheeks and kissed me again. He pulled me on top him, and he sat up. He carried me too the bed and through me on it. He put his arms above my head and started kissing me more. It was amazing. We stopped a few times to catch breaths, but continued to kiss. He stopped and sat up. He turned his head and looked at me.

"I love you so much, Mack."

"I love you too, hayes."

"Come here I want to show you something."

I sat up and I jumped on his back. We left the door cracked open, as we walked in our room. Our room wasn't even messy, the maids must of cleaned it. He set me down on the bed and went over to his duffle bag. He grabbed his apple laptop, and a book.

"I was nervous to show you these when we started dating.. My mom helped me put it together." He handed me a little scrapbook, and I opened it.

"Mack and Hayes" the title of the first page said.

I looked at the picture below the title.
It was a picture of me and hayes a long time ago at the zoo. He had barely any hair, or at least less than he had now. We were both wearing shorts, and we we smiling. We were on top of a fake hippo. I remember that day. Our moms took us, because nash and Hailey wanted to go. I smiled.

I turned to the next page.

"You are my everything" it read.

There was a picture of us at the park. We were both on the swings. There was another picture right beside it with is in the tree. We were acting like monkeys, and it was actually funny. I flipped through a few more pages of us growing up, and came across one, and I don't really remember taking this photo. Hayes and I ran in a 5k run a long time ago. When we were 11. Our parent wanted us too. I looked at it a little longer, and hayes was kissing my cheek. I could obviously tell I liked it, and I smiled.

This was the cutest thing ever. I flipped to the last page and there was pictures of us sleeping together, that his mom must have took. Other pictures that were more recent that we took. I smiled and shut the book. I could feel the tears build up in my green orbs, and I wiped them away.

He looked at me, and I looked at him.

"Aw don't cry." He said as he swiped his thumb across my cheek. I smiled.

"This is the most precious thing ever.." I admitted. I kissed his cheek.

"That's not all.." He said.

He pulled up a vine.

It was a collage video of us.

"A fan made it." He smiled.

The song that they linked to it was "nothing like us, by justin bieber" and it was a video of him pushing me on the swing, then a gif of him kissing me on my cheek, and the fan put some photos of us, and made it black and white. She put on the caption "My idol, and his beautiful girlfriend." I looked at it 2 times, and looked at hayes. I smiled, and started to cry. Hayes shut his laptop, and wiped my tears.

"You're so beautiful." He said.

I smiled & blushed. I managed to stop crying and looked at the scrapbook again. I picked it up, walked over to my bag and places it in there. I zipped it up, and too Hayes' hand. We walked down to get some food. I just grabbed some Mac and cheese and so did hayes. We say down and ate. It was 6:30, and we still had time until they came home.
We finished eating and walked back up to Nash and Haileys room. (It still made us feel more safe in there). I checked my phone, and no mentions or anything.

We both sat on Nash's bed and continued what we were doing before. His kisses were so passionate, it was so cute. He took off his shirt, and lay next to me. It was so hot in here, I wish I could take of my shirt. But I'm a girl. "Mack?" He asked I turned to him, trying to see him because it was dark in the room.


"Do you think we'll last?" He asked worriedly.

I put my arm around him and rested my head on his bare stomach.

"I hope.."

Best Friends (Hayes Grier fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon