Gouenji x reader|| Distance//preview

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Mistu: OMG What yall get for chrsitmas?
Ibuki: I got you for christmas *Blushes*
Mitsu: W-what?! *Blush and holds cheeks*
Fei: Too late *Swoops down froma vine tree and picks me up, sticks tounge out*
Ibuki: Hey bring her back!!
Gouenji: Enjoy! *Says whilst wearing a christmas hat*

It's late afternoon, the sun had past it's highest point and the warmth beat down in rays which bathed the me in golden light. My feet kicked the air because it didn't meet the ground. My palms pressed on the wooden bench i was sat on.

"He's Late..." I furrowed my eyebrows and puffed my cheeks. His absense really pissed me off. "(F/N)!" a voice echoed from down the train station, my head revolved to that direction only to see a certain ash-blonde who stole my gaze. I arose from the bench and dusted myself. Once he was in close range, i stopped to catch his breathe resting his hands on his knees.

"I'm... Sorry i'm... Late" He said inbetween pants. I flashed him a grin from his state, transfering a piece of hair to the back of my ear. "It's ok, shall we get going?" At that momment, i looked beautiful. The golden light hit my skin, causing it to glisine. His eyes still fixed on me, "You look beautiful" my face grew flustered and made me lightly punch his shoulder..

"S-shut up" I walked forward and completly ignored his presence, only making him chuckle and catch up to me because of my cute state.

Today is me and gouenji's anniversary, When i was young i had to move away. Leaving gouenji behind, i'm positive he felt devestated. He said he wanted to tell me something that day but that day never came. We up and left without notice, i never new why but in the end it left me friendless. I couldn't really make anyfriends i was used to them coming up to me and asking but it was the complte opposite. One day, i was scrolling through my messages and i found him. His name engraved onto my screen.. And from then on we began texting till day break. I would call it a long distance relation ship...

"Hey gouenji.." i could feel his warth as our hand locked, walking towards the sun, "Yeah..." His other hand stuffed into his pocket

"That day, when i left... you wanted to tell me something. What was it" i glanced up at him due to height diffrence, his gaze still focused on the sun. Silence devoured our area as he thought of the words to say. He placed a finger onto his chin lowering an eyebrow.

"I can't put my finger on it, But i'm sure it was very important to me" He bent his back forward to land a kiss on my cheek. A giggle fleed from my mouth...

'I'm sure it was'


Mitsu: this book was just a preview of the actual one shot i will make. I might not post for a while because i want to write a bunch of books on draft so i can post
Ibuki: I hope you can wait pretty please.
Mitsu: and ibuki has a basket ball competion isn't that right
Ibuki: I don't have a - *Mitsu stamps on his foot whislt smiling, crawls on the groun due to pain*
Mitsu: till next time

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