Chapter 8

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The days had literally crawled. The whole week had gone so slowly. Or maybe Haley felt like that just because she was excited for the weekend. She was on her way to Linda's right now. When Linda opened the door, Haley could hear the chaos behind her before she saw it. Linda had a little brother. And a little sister. Twins. They loved to mess up the whole house. As soon as Haley entered the house she heard, "HALEYYYYYYY."

"Hey gu....."

"Woah guys okay calm down, Ria, Haley is not a punching bag, Rick, Haley is not one of your dolls. Stop trying to put a feeding bottle into her butt Ria."

Haley couldn't help but laugh at this. Linda rushed around trying to calm her siblings down. When they got bored of Haley, they ran back into their playroom.

"I swear those two remind me of a tornado," Haley said, simultaneously rubbing her stomach and butt from pain.

"At least you don't have to live with them."


"Let's go?"


"So I've narrowed it down to these outfits," Linda said as soon as they walked into her room.

"You call that narrow?" Haley asked staring at the huge pile of clothes.

"Hey do you want to see my closet again?"

"No! Babe, I don't want to get lost in Narnia."

"Oh shut up!"

Haley rummaged through the pile of clothes and picked out an outfit in three minutes.

"How about this?" She held up a pair of jean shorts, a white crop top that said, 'Let the Wild Out,' in big black letters rimmed with silver. She held up silver earrings shaped like owls and a pair of black converse that had DIY silver owls painted on them (she'd helped Linda with them).

"Oh my Gods how did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You took three minutes and you picked out a perfect outfit."

Haley grinned, "Thats why you need me for these types of things."

Linda looked into her phone and frowned. "Rae can't make it," she said.

"Oh," Haley looked disappointed, "It's okay."

"Alright hair and makeup!"

"No, breakfast."

"Oh yeah."

"Calm down sweetheart, you are way too nervous/excited."

Linda grinned sheepishly and blushed.

"Cutie," Haley said smiling.

Once they were done with their stacks of pancakes with golden syrup and a melting trail of butter, they came back to Linda's room.

"We want simple and clean," Haley reminded her.

They went for just a light touch of make up: blush, eyeliner, warm nude lipstick. Linda's hair was already 'on fleek', according to Haley so they did nothing to it. Linda went and changed and when she came back...

Haley took a step back, "Wow Li."

Linda blushed a bit,"Shut up."

"Try not to get your lipstick all over him," Haley teased.

Linda blushed furiously and slapped Haley on the back.

"Ow, is this what I get for some good advice?"

"No this is what you get for your bloody unwanted comment," Linda said, tickling Haley. Haley burst out laughing and eventually fell on the floor. And Linda fell right on top of her.

"I win!" Linda exclaimed.

"Blah blah."

And the doorbell rang.


Sunday morning brought excitement. She got up and threw on her favorite teal crop top that said 'She's an Angel.' She thought that it would be appropriate. She also had on black shorts. She ate breakfast then went back to her room. She fetched her sunglasses and waited for the bell to ring. She didn't have to wait for long. The bell rang punctually at noon.

"Hey," Juan's voice sounded from outside, "Are you ready to leave?"

"Daddy? I'm leaving."

"Okay sweetheart, I don't want to delay you two, but young man you and I have some talking to do later," he said appearing at the doorway with a grin. No trace of what had happened the other day lingered on him. He had on long sleeves, and quite obviously the air conditioner was spewing out cold fumes of pollution. Juan, unmindful of his grin, gulped, "Yes sir, nice to meet you sir." Haley stifled a laugh as he stifled a salute.

"Nice to meet you too son."

"Bye daddy," Haley said, kissing her dad on the cheek and walking out. She rushed down the steps.

"Elevator?" Juan asked, confused.

"Oh come on! I live on the third floor not the hundredth. If you are going to survive with me today you have to be willing to do at least SOME exercise."

Juan pouted and put on puppy eyes.

"Doesn't work on me pretty boy."

"Well you are something special Haley, that's for sure."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now if you are done complaining, move your damn butt down the stairs."

"Yes ma'am," he said saluting and laughing at the same time. She cracked a smile.

"Would Ms. Moores like to take my hand."

"Would be a pleasure for you if I did."

"Wrong, you are not."

Haley grinned and hooked her arm into his.

"So where are we going?"


"Well a quite descriptive poet, you are."

"Well thank you."

"So you aren't going to tell me?"

"I shall not enlighten you with this information. I would like to maintain my aura of mystique thank you very much."

"Vocab on fleek," Juan said trying to do his best to do an impression of an American accent, but failing due to his thick Spanish accent's influence. Haley laughed. Her laughter filled the air, filling in the unwanted space that separated them. Oh how the proximity was begging to disappear! Haley gazed at him as he walked down the stairs next to her. His hair, a disheveled mess as usual. His blue eye, right now, hidden from her sight. All she could see right now was the sparkling green eyes of his. His green eye had so much green in it that she was surprised that there was any green left in the world. It was as if his mother had stolen the hue from every other thing in the world to make her son's eye this exquisite. Her insides were filled with butterflies. Green butterflies. Blue butterflies. They thrashed around her stomach waiting to escape. She was afraid that if she opened her mouth, they would fly out. Her arm, the arm hooked into his, felt numb. He had done nothing, yet she still felt like this. Like the whole world was holding its breath to see how this day would turn out. Would his perspective match hers? Would he even like what she was going to show him? He might hate it. After all perspectives differ. Or maybe he would love it. Maybe green, blue and brown would mix into one incredible swirl, and they would see the world together. They would peel off the layers of illusion and imperfection and see this world as the perfect world that Haley imagined it was.

Definition #8: Perspective matters in love. Love appears only when you learn to accept perspectives.

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