Chapter 11

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Haley watched as her long and untamed curls decreased in size. She wasn't too sad to see them go. After all, she was the one who had requested this haircut. She sat back and relaxed as the weight on her shoulders reduced. The wavy strands that used to graze her waist now fell in a pool at her shoulders. But there still was the occasional stray curl that maintained her endearing appearance.

"Thank you, I love it," Haley said genuinely. She flounced her new hairdo for good measure, smiled at herself in the wall-length mirror and made her way to the bill counter.


She bit her lip and fluffed up her curls, suddenly self-conscious. Her fingers trembled just the slightest bit as she reached out to ring the doorbell. This was the moment of truth, when Linda either approved or disapproved.

She tugged on her t-shirt and took a deep breath as she waited for the familiar creek of the door to resound. And when it did, it was followed by the predicted gasp.

"Dude what did you do?"

Haley's face fell.

"So you don't like it?"

Linda loved it, but Haley was her best friend. She was going to play with her a bit.

"I hate it Hals. Why did you do this? I loved your long hair."

"I think it looks good," Haley said defiantly.

"Well I think it looks horrible."

"Thank you for your honesty. Let's agree to disagree," Haley said with a sliver of coldness in her voice.

"Let's agree to agree hon," Linda said, entwining her fingers with Haley's and walking closer to her, "You look beautiful."

"But... but... you just... you idiot! You had me worried for a second."

"Hey, I've told you countless times that you are the most beautiful girl that I have ever met in my life," Linda twirled one of Haley's stray, trimmed locks.

Haley pouted but the effect of Linda's complement was visible in her eyes. Not to mention the tinge of pink on her cheeks. "Nothing is ever going to change that Haley," Linda's voice dropped to a low whisper, proof that she was being sincere. Haley knew Linda better than she knew herself. The slightest of modulations in Linda's voice, the small flickers in her eyes, the way she bit her lip often... everything was a part of Haley's standard life. Her habits were a norm to Haley. She didn't have to try hard to notice them.

Today though, Linda's voice held something. Something unrecognisable. Something that Linda had never used on Haley before. There was something that was weaved in with the sincerity that was foreign... not unfriendly, not unwanted... but foreign. Haley couldn't make herself look into Linda's eyes, because there was something there that was piercing her skin. A flicker, a twinkle, a spark that threatened to rip Haley apart layer by layer, to uncover all her secrets and then to fix her again. But without the deformities that she currently possessed. The usually calming orbs bore into Haley, searching her face, but there was nothing there to be found. Disappointed, Linda let go of her with a sigh. What had she been looking for?


"Hola Chica."

"Hello Juan," Haley answered without turning around, her attention on the contents of her locker.

"Cut your hair?"


"Suits you."


"Your pronunciation is funny."

"I'm not Spanish."

"True, but I could give you lessons if you want."


"Are you okay?"

"Maybe," and with that she walked away, not glancing at his face even once.

The day before, after she'd gone to Linda's house, her father had had another mental breakdown. She was tired of pulling him together. But she adored him. She'd had a sleepless night, as she had sat by him, holding his shivering hands. Calming him down every time he woke up.

His pupils would be dilated, adrenaline would be rushing through his veins, the skin on his face would become pale and he would pant. In between pants he would call out her name. Kira's name.

It honestly scared her to see her dad like that. It wasn't something she could get used to. But it wasn't something she could avoid.

"Hey, Haley," Juan came up behind her, grabbing her hand. She shook him away gently.

"Look Juan I have to go, what do you want?"

His blue eye turned transparent. Glass. And her words were hammers. They shattered the glass. The pieces piercing his skin, trying to get tears out of him. But he didn't give in.

"I'm, I'm sorry... I just wanted to ask you if you'd like to come to this place with me... like uhh after school."

"Juan it's Monday."

"Not for too long just for a bit."

Her anger melted a bit, the walls that she had been building since the 'incident' lost a layer. She had a heart cocooned in ice. It was cold. But ice can melt, as long as there is warmth.

"Fine. Where should I meet you?"



"Umm, our first class is art."


"Crap oh yeah," he flashed her his lopsided smile and dashed away, his long hair flying.


"Li!" Her eyes brightened instantaneously. Haley turned and looked at Linda.

Her purply grey orbs had drowned. The flicker of happiness that Haley had felt when Juan had asked her out (it was date right?) extinguished.


"Haley, my parents," Linda let the tears drop.

"Give me your hand."

Linda held out her hand and Haley clasped the familiar palm in her own. Haley's warm skin calmed Linda down. Linda took her hand and put it on her forehead.

"Li, come here."

Haley hugged her. Tightly. Who needed air, when you were in the comfortable grasp of Haley Moores?

"Tell me what happened Li."

"They screamed at me."


"I don't know Hals. I didn't do anything," Linda sobbed, "Then... then he slapped me."

"Oh Li..."

"The twins came and hugged me," she sniffled, "They only stopped screaming when the twins told them to."

Haley ran her hand over her Linda's hair, weaving her fingers through the strands.

"Haley... why am I not good enough for them? Haley I honestly didn't do anything. After you left I sat on my bed and looked through my phone."

Linda buried her face in Haley's shoulder.

"Then.. then... he came in and screamed. He said... he said... that he wished that I'd never been born. He said... that he wished that he'd had a better child... he said he wished that you were his daughter instead of me."

Haley inhaled sharply.

"No Li... no no no," Haley hugged her tighter. Linda's arms went around Haley's waist, to decrease the proximity even more. She wanted to disappear into Haley.

She wanted to fade into Haley Moores.

Definition #11: Love is felt towards people who have the power to flip your emotions, from sadness to joy. Or from happiness to depression...

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