Chapter 35

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***trigger warning. Self harm included.***

This was it. She was drowning. She was trying. Trying so hard to not succumb to the fingers of the water that caressed her skin. The water was a dark murky blue. The fingers were sickly smooth. The voice of the water was intoxicating. For once she felt no comfort in her world. The sky was painted a bloody red. The sun had faded away, the light had faded away. Hope had faded away. The two colors clashed at the horizon. All she could see were the layers and layers of lies that blanketed her in the form of waves. All she felt were the tentacles, dragging her down and the stinging sensation in her eyes, where the saline water just added to the pain. The agony. Scars on her body that had been re-opened and covered in salt. Scars on her heart.

Linda had tried. Linda had tried to mend her. To cover her with stitches. The string- her love, the needle- her words. Years worth of work demolished in a few days. The few days where everything crashed, tumbled and seeped into her sanity and tore it apart.

"Hals? Sweetie. Wake up sweetheart. I'm here. It wasn't real. Just a dream sweetheart."

Haley was shaking. Tears were streaming down her face. She was surrounded by sweat. Her hair was matted and it stuck to her forehead. Linda shook her gently. Haley opened her eyes. Her pupils were dilated. She was scared. Terrified. Linda touched her face and sighed, "Hals. I'm right here. Everything is going to be alright."

She kissed away her tears. Wiped away her sweat. And ran her hands through her hair. Haley sobbed and crawled into Linda. Linda encapsulated her in a hug. She kissed her forehead and whispered gently, her fingers twirling a little curl at the back and bottom of Haley's hair. Haley sobbed harder. When she was done, she looked up at Linda, "What time is it Li?"

Haley pouted, "I woke you up," her eyes started filling up with tears again, "I'm so sorry."

"Shut up," Linda snapped, "Don't you dare ever say sorry to me. You have nothing to apologise for. And actually I was awake anyways."

"You were?" Haley looked into her eyes. Haley's eyes were endless obsidian pits. The gold flecks and silver sparkles had dissipated. Linda's fists clenched at the thought. How could they have the heart to do that to her? How could they take away the light in her eyes?

"Yeah, I was," Linda reassured her, "I had a feeling you'd wake up today as well so... so I kind of..."

"Kind of?"

"You know what? Just go brush your teeth and wash your face. If you want, change as well. I want to show you something."

Haley's eyes sparked for a second. Curiosity. Haley's fatal flaw. She immediately jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. Linda shook her head and chuckled. She brushed her hair and left it loose. She changed into dark blue skinny jeans and a white crop top. It might have been cool outside, but she couldn't care less. Haley ran out of the bathroom, tugging on her jean shorts. She had an off-shouldered black crop top on. Linda smiled at her and took her hand. They sneaked out of her room, tip-toeing out the door.

"So where are we going?"


Haley groaned, "I hate surprises."

"No you love them," Linda said laughing. She loved the way Haley's face lit up every time a surprise was revealed. How her eyes glistened with excitement and how she smiled her goofy smile. A smile that reached her ears and displayed her pearly white teeth.

Haley pouted. Linda pulled her back.

"Hey I thought we agreed on the no pouting rule."

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