Chapter 30

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Kira took in a deep breath. Haley stood behind and next to her was Linda. They stood outside the door of Haley's apartment. Haley looked at Kira encouragingly.

"You can do this Ma."

Kira let out a sigh and smiled. She placed her hand on Haley's head, "I hope so." And with that she entered. Linda looked at Haley.

"Hals... I'm confused."

Haley smiled, "Honestly- so am I. But I'll explain what I understood later. Right now, we have to be there for my dad."

"We," Linda asked unsurely.

"Yes we. Li I don't want to do this on my own."

"You won't have to. It's okay. We it is," Linda said holding her hand and walking inside with her. Once they entered, they both bumped into Kira. Why was she still in the entrance?


"Haley what's happening," Kira asked pointing at something. Kira looked stricken. Haley sidestepped and tried to look at what Kira was pointing at. Crimson fluid stained the floor.


Juan walked into his house, scratching the back of his neck and looking down.

"What just happened," he asked to himself out loud.

"Hey hermano," Luca said running down the stairs, "Back this early?"

"Dios Luca. Do I have a lot to tell you."

"Huh?" Luca looked confused.

Juan propped himself on the couch and groaned.

"You okay?"

"No Luca. I'm not."

"Tell me what's wrong."

And then Juan started. Explaining. He'd had enough courage today. He was going to kiss her today. But somebody beat him to it. Damn.

"Oh! Well okay. It's fine. Cheer up! Tomorrow's your birthday hermano! Hey, I know what will cheer you up, do you want to go for a bike ride in the mountains?"

Juan's eyes lit up, "That would be amazing!"

"Great, I'll go get ready while you freshen up."

Julian and Cassidy, Juan's parents had agreed to let Luca stay with them and become a part of the family. They loved children, even if they were around twenty three years old. So Luca had gone shopping for all the essentials that morning while Juan had gone out with Haley. And for him, a bike was an essential item.

Juan went to the bathroom and splashed water on his face. As he wiped the water off, he pretended that he was wiping off all the incidents that had taken place that day. He wanted to forget. At least temporarily. He wanted to enjoy every moment he spent with his brother.

"You can never catch me!"

"Wait up," Juan huffed and puffed as he pedaled faster to catch up with Luca. For a person who'd been a prison he was surprisingly fit... or maybe that was why he was fit.

"Stop!!!! I can't do this," Juan shouted.

Luca's clear laughter resonated in the air.

"Come on hermano, you can do better than that."

"I'm out of practice," Juan exclaimed. He felt as if the wind that was currently fanning his face was going to push him down. Luca on the other hand was in complete bliss. He felt as if he was flying, he could almost imagine the wheels of his bike lifting off the ground, carrying him into the beautiful fading colors of an LA sunset.

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